1914: Johnson & Wales was first founded as a business school
Founded by two women named Mary T. Wales and Gertrude I. Johnson -
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Johnson & Wales University
1984: JWU opened the Charleston, SC campus (offered 2-4 yr program in food service, hospitality and travel-tourism)
1986: JWU opened a campus in Norfolk, Virginia (offered 1-2 yr program in food service)
1992: JWU opened a campus in North Miami, Florida
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1992: JWU opened a campus in North Miami, Florida
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1992-2002: School of Technology offered courses in Worchester, Massachusetts
1993: JWU opened a campus in Vail, Colorado
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1994-2004: JWU offered programs at the Institute of Higher Marketing Business School in Goteborg, Sweden.
2000: The Denver campus opened and the Vail and Denver campuses merged
2002: The university consolidated the Charleston and Norfolk campuses to be built in Charlotte, NC
The Charlotte Campus Opens
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Arthur J. Gallagher , 1st Charlotte Campus President
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Dr. Uzzie Cannon
Was the first African American woman to hold a department chair in the college of Arts and Science. -
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Robert C. Mock , 2nd Charlotte Campus President
1st African-American President on Charlotte Campus -
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Tarun Malik , 3rd Charlotte Campus President
1st South Asian President at Charlotte Campus -
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Todd D. Flaherty , Interim Charlotte Campus President
Cheryl L. Richards ,4th Charlotte Campus President
1st Woman President on Charlotte Campus