20160716 185200 hdr

Cristin's Life Journey

  • The Great Arrival

    The Great Arrival
    The day I graced this world with my presence.
  • First Day of the Spooks

    First Day of the Spooks
    If I'm to be honest I don't remember it at all. I didn't even get to chose my costume. . . . that sucks!
  • The Kindergarten

    The Kindergarten
    The picture is probably not from kindergarten, but I'm using it anyway. . . .
  • I Moved!

    I Moved!
    From Poolville, Texas to Aledo, Texas
  • I Have a Baby Cousin

    I Have a Baby Cousin
    Jessica is the second daughter born to my Aunt Nicole.
  • Moved Again!

    Moved Again!
    From Aledo, Texas to Corinth, Texas this time.
  • Middle Schooler (wowie so cool)

    Middle Schooler (wowie so cool)
    I was finally a Crownover Cowboy
  • Well Would You Look at That I Moved Again!

    Well Would You Look at That I Moved Again!
    To Missouri this time
  • Lebanon Yellow Jacket

    Lebanon Yellow Jacket
    Oooo a wasp. . . so intimidating. . . . . . . .
  • Moved Again. . . I'm Getting Really Tired of This

    Moved Again. . . I'm Getting Really Tired of This
    Back to Texas but then a week later to Colorado to come live with my dad.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    Now a Canon City tiger and I was really scared. . .

    MANDY!!!! AHHHHH (I skipped to sophomore year because nothing happened in freshman year)
  • Joined Thespians!!!!

    Joined Thespians!!!!
    Best decision of my high school career
  • First Spoopy House (with Mandy!)

    First Spoopy House (with Mandy!)
    We went to the haunted house at the Abbey
  • First Spook Day With the Best Friend

    First Spook Day With the Best Friend
    She was the marionette and I was the puppet master
  • ThesCon!!!!!!!!

    Huge state thespian convention is the Denver convention center right by 16th street mall.
  • Addams Family Musical

    Addams Family Musical
    I was putting those actors in the spotlight (literally)
  • I'm on the council!

    I'm on the council!
    Clerk!!! Gonna help all the people with their points and stuff!
  • Graduate of Course

    Graduate of Course
    Graduating class of 2k18 baby!
  • GET A BIRD!!!!!!!!

    GET A BIRD!!!!!!!!
    Or two. . . . or three. . . all I know is that one of them has to be a bourke parakeet. They are my favorite.
  • House!!!

    With my best friends Mandy and Nick. I will constantly throw up due to their cuteness. We will share rent. That is a must.
  • AND A SNAKE!!!!!

    AND A SNAKE!!!!!
  • Nerd College (Hopefully)

    Nerd College (Hopefully)
    I want to go into lighting and sound tech professionally in the future, and possibly study computer science.
  • Find Love One Day

    Find Love One Day
    Maybe? Hopefully.
  • Get a Job You Bum!

    Get a Job You Bum!
    I mean of course I would already have a job, or be trying to get a job or whatever, but I mean doing something that I love.
  • Adopting a Child

    Adopting a Child
    A lot of kids never get out of the system, and I want to help some do exactly that.