
Creation of DNA throughout time

  • Discovery of DNA

    Friedrich Miescher first identified what he called "nuclein" in the nuclei of human white blood cells, which we know as DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)
  • Oswald Avery

    He worked many years with a bacterium responsible for pneumonia. He discovered a live but harmless pneumococcus mixed with an inert but lethal form. The harmless bacteria would soon become deadly
  • Period: to

    photographs crystallized DNA fibers

    Rosalind Franklin would calculate the dimension of the strands. She also deduces that the phosphates were on the outside of what was likely the helical structure all by a photograph. Her research ended early due to her death from cancer in 1958.
  • RNA time club

    George Gamow created an exclusive club known as the RNA tie club. Each member wold put forward their ideas on how nucleotide bases were transformed into proteins by the body cells
  • Rapid DNA

    Fredrick Sanger identified the free amino groups in insulin. Through his work he was the first person to order the amino acids and obtain a protein sequence.
  • human chromosomes

    An international team of researchers unraveled for the first time the full genetic code of a human chromosome. It was chromosome 22 and it contained 33.5 million letters," or chemical components.
  • Human Genome

    Follwowing the discoveery the scientists pursed to do the second stage then the finishing stage. The final stage contains 2.85 billion nucleotide, with a predicted error rste of just one.
  • DNA worldwide

    Before the discovery people believed that mono-zygotic twins are 100% genetically identical, also that DNA testing could not be involved in criminal or paternity cases involving twins.
  • The president

    President Barack Obama spoke about his plans to sequence the genomes of one million US citizens to help personalize the medicine and learn more about the rare diseases.
  • DNA testing and its role in the justice system

    DNA testing in forensics science has proven to be a powerful tool for both catching criminals and exonerating innocent people.
  • The first gene on earth may have been an hybrid

    People have tended to think of RNA coming before DNA and somehow being taken over. If a molecule looks very difficult, from a chemical perspective to make yet is functions exquisitely in biology. Most likely the case that it has evolved over time.
  • How is DNA used today

    DNA identity testing is widely used in the field of forensics or paternity identification. DNA is also used to see if you possibly have a disease when they take your blood and run a bunch of tests on it.