Creating Learning Zones vs isolated labs

  • Collaboration with Price Administrators, RSP teacher, Curriculum Coach, Digital Coach, and Technology Assistant

    Collaboration with Price Administrators, RSP teacher, Curriculum Coach, Digital Coach, and Technology Assistant
    Administration will meet with students, coaches, teachers, parents directly impacted with the creation of the "Learning Zones" versus isolated labs. This idea of "Zones" evolved after speaking with students who shared in their opinion a "lab is where you sit and work on computers". Older students shared that RSP was for "dummies". They enlightened me when they told me about a "Fun Zone" where they go have fun and learn. Hmmmm...a fun, learning zone. Let them have Learning Zones!
  • Stakeholders informed

    Stakeholders informed
    Inform staff, parents, School Site Council, and district level directors of Special Education and Facilities and Operations of the plan based on input from stakeholders.
  • Morning School Visit and Collaboration with Technology Director

    Meet with Technology Director for input on design idea, equipment, square footage of space, and other logistics.
  • Afternoon Staff Input Meeting

    Afternoon Staff Input Meeting
    Meet with school staff to get input and suggestions for the new learning zones.
  • Technology Assistants move computers

    Technology Assistants move computers
    Technology Assistants will guide Maintenance & Operations crew during the process of relocation of computers, monitors, and other devices.
  • Work order: Remove, Reorganize, Assemble

    Submit a work order:
    *remove the old computer tables from the computer lab
    *Reorganize furniture
    *Assemble commercial shelves for heavy tubs
  • Period: to

    Clear/Organize Cabinets

    Team to clear cabinets in computer lab. Begin moving materials from K5 to the computer lab which will now become the STEM Learning Zone.
    Staff to move materials, equipment, and furniture from RSP /SP2 room to K5 which will now be the Resource Learning Zone. This name may or may not change, but it indicates a move forward and change in mindset.
  • Period: to

    K5 RSP Learning Zone created

    K5 will be converted to the Resource Learning Zone. RSP teachers will create a new learning environment for our RSP students. This will include the placement of technology as needed.
    They will decorate and design an inviting, collaborative, Resource Learning Zone.
  • Period: to

    Set-Up New STEM Learning Zone

    Begin setting up / creating the New STEM ZONE areas, walls, stations, etc. Create wishlists to share with stakeholders who may want to contribute items and claim a piece of the prize.
  • Tour New Learning Zones

    Invite stakeholders to Tour the new Learning Zones