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CPD 2011/2012

  • Achieved TESOL certificate

  • First observations of subject specialist/ mentor

  • Period: to

    Understanding Specifications taught through self-study

  • Period: to

    Update industry knowledge

    Sefl-study using range of mediums - television, textbooks, industry-specific journals, websites etc
  • First solo teaching experience

    First solo teaching experience
  • Register with IFL

    Register with IFL
  • Period: to

    Increase awareness and understanding of special needs in education

    Barries to LearningFor example, autism, Aspergers, physical disabilities, ADHD and mental disabilities.
  • Period: to

    Developing questioning techniques

    Geoff Petty
  • Period: to

    Subject-specific numeracy skills through self-study

    to support teaching of financial control specifically and tourism generally. Includes for example: methods of calculating profit, costings, working out percentages.
  • First educational field trip with students

    First educational field trip with students
  • Dyslexia and Education conference

  • Creation of Tumblr blog for Employability

    Creation of Tumblr blog for Employability
  • Period: to

    ICT - SmartBoard training

  • Period: to

    Research and development for ICE exhibition

  • Observation of hospitality class 'Food and Beverage Service'

    Observation of hospitality class 'Food and Beverage Service'
  • Period: to

    Creation of Scheme of Work for Holiday Park Host

    Supported by mentor
  • Period: to

    Preparation for teaching of new module - Holiday Park Host

    Visits, self-study and discussions with experienced teachers who have delivered this module.
  • Started BritAgent online course

    Started BritAgent online course
    BritAgentSupport delivery of travel and tourism classes
  • ICE exhibition

    ICE exhibition
  • Period: to

    Prezi: self-study

  • Observation of, and discussions with, subject specialists

  • Period: to

    Safeguarding training

  • Begin to use Animoto

    Begin to use Animoto
    useful as revision tool and in energisers activities - for instance 'Name the city'