Covid 19 financial effects

  • Wuhan’s First Case

  • WHO informed

  • First death reported

  • First case outside of China

  • Virus spread to US

  • Lockdown begins in Wuhan

  • US restrict entry

  • Major surge of cases in Italy, lockdown starts

  • First death in US, heavier travel restrictions are imposed

  • Black Monday

  • COVID-19 announced as a pandemic

  • Start of a bear market

  • Trump demands FED to lower interest rates

  • Biggest one day lost since the biggest one day loss since the 1987 black monday crash.

  • FED Lowers Interest Rate to Near-Zero

  • IMF declares the G7 countries in a state of “deep recession” and compares the 2020 recession to Great Depression

  • Dow Jones is at 25,812.88, up from 21,917.16 at the end of March

  • Nasdaq also hits a record high