

  • Wuhan,China

    The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission (Hubei Province, China) reports a cluster of pneumonia cases in the city. It is later determined that they are caused by a new coronavirus.
  • WHO

    WHO establishes the corresponding Incident Management Support Team at all three levels of the Organization - headquarters, regional headquarters and countries - and thus puts the Organization in a state of emergency to address the outbreak.
  • WHO reports on social networks

    WHO reports on social networks
    the existence of a cluster of cases of pneumonia - without deaths - in Wuhan (Hubei Province)
  • WHO publishes its first part

    WHO publishes its first part
    WHO publishes its first outbreak report on the new virus, a technical reference publication for the global research and public health community and the media.
  • WHO posts cases online

    WHO posts cases online
    WHO publishes a comprehensive set of technical guidance online with recommendations for all countries on how to detect cases, perform laboratory tests and manage potential cases.
  • Cases outside of China

    Cases outside of China
    A case of COVID-19 is officially confirmed in Thailand, the first recorded outside China.
  • Press Conference

    Press Conference
    The WHO technical manager for the response says in a press conference that there has been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through relatives, and that there is a risk of a possible wider outbreak.
  • visit to Wuhan

    visit to Wuhan
    Experts from the WHO China office and the Regional Office for the Western Pacific make a short field visit to Wuhan
  • WHO to China

    WHO to China
    The WHO mission to China issues a statement that human-to-human transmission has been demonstrated in Wuhan, although more research is needed to fully understand the extent of this transmission.
  • The Director General convenes an emergency committee

    The Director General convenes an emergency committee
    The independent members of this Committee, who come from different parts of the world, are unable to reach a consensus on the basis of the data known at that time, and ask to be convened again within 10 days once they receive more information.
  • Canada

    On January 27, 2020, after a man carrying the COVID-19 returned to Toronto from a trip to China, including Wuhan
  • WHO led by the Director-General travels to Beijing to meet with Chinese leaders

    WHO led by the Director-General travels to Beijing to meet with Chinese leaders
    During his stay in Beijing, Dr. Tedros agrees with the leaders of the Chinese Government that an international team of leading scientists will go on a mission to China to better understand the overall context and response and to exchange information and experiences.
  • WHO Director-General reconvenes Emergency Committee

    WHO Director-General reconvenes Emergency Committee
    On this occasion, the Emergency Committee reaches a consensus and recommends to the Director General that the outbreak constitutes a public health emergency of international importance (ESPII).
  • WHO publishes

    WHO publishes
    The international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help states with more fragile health systems protect themselves
  • WHO convenes a forum for research and innovation on COVID-19

    WHO convenes a forum for research and innovation on COVID-19
    400 experts and funding bodies from all over the world. George Gao, Director General of the Center for Disease Control in China, and Zunyou Wu, Chief Epidemiologist of that agency, will speak at the forum.
  • The joint WHO-China mission, involving experts

    The joint WHO-China mission, involving experts
    Canada, Germany, the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health), Japan, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea, Russia, and Singapore stay for a while in Beijing and also travel to Wuhan and two other cities.
  • Brazil

    The first positive case was in the state of São Paulo, by a Brazilian who traveled to Italy with mild symptoms and who tested positive in a first laboratory test. A few days later, another case was also confirmed in São Paulo.
  • 26 de febrero al 13 mayo (españa)

    26  de febrero al 13 mayo (españa)
    España pasa de 9 casos el 26 de febrero a 27.104 fallecidos el 13 de mayo
  • argentina (3 de marzo al 13 de mayo )

    se confirmaron 6879 casos de personas infectadas y 329 muertes en total.
  • chile

    se confirmó el 3 de marzo de 2020, cuando un médico de 33 años de la comuna de San Javier, Región del Maule, y que provenía de un vuelo procedente de Singapur fue internado en el Hospital Regional de Talca.29​n 1​ A partir de este primer caso comprobado, el brote se expandió en el territorio nacional hasta alcanzar las dieciséis regiones del país.32​
  • colombia

    El primer caso confirmado en el país es el de una mujer de 19 años, proveniente de Milán, Italia.
  • propagación de la enfermadad

    Profundamente preocupada por los alarmantes niveles de propagación de la enfermedad y por su gravedad, y por los niveles también alarmantes de inacción, la OMS determina en su evaluación que la COVID-19 puede caracterizarse como una pandemia.
  • bolivia

    dos mujeres de los departamentos de Oruro y Santa Cruz11​ que habían realizado sus viajes de retorno desde Italia.Posteriormente, el 12 de marzo se iniciaron las primeras medidas12​ del gobierno de la presidente Jeanine Áñez, declarándose Estado de emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19,13​ cuya duración estaba prevista hasta el 30 de abril de 2020