Brown v. Board Of Education
Ending "separate but equal". Made schools equal for all students regardless of what race they were. This helped in the access of education, because now all students regardless of their race were allowed to go to school with all the other students. -
Diana v. State Board of Education
Students could not be placed in a special education class just from their IQ scores. Only students who had a disability were to be placed in those classrooms. This helped because just because someone is not the best at taking a test does not mean they have a disability. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennyslvania
State must guarantee a free public education with an intellectual disability ages 6-21 regardless of their degree of impairment or associated disabilities. Students must be placed in a public environment with all the other students. This helped in the access because this gave students with disabilities a free education with the other students. -
Mills v. Board of Education, District of Columbia
Extended the Pennsylvania decision to include all children with disabilities. Expanded the constitutional right of children with exceptionalities to public education regardless of their functional level. This extended access because all the students with disabilities were actually included in public education. -
Larry P.v. Riles
African Americans students could not be placed with students with disabilities just because of their cultural or racially biased. This helped access because just because a student was African American did not mean that they were any less smart than any other student. -
Lau v. Nichols
Schools gained access for students who do not speak English. Schools would find special language programs in order to teach them. This gained access because it still gave non-English speaking students the opportunity to still learn and go to school. -
Pl- 94-142
All students regardless of how bad their disability is are provided an education appropriate to their needs. This gained access because it gave all students with disabilities the appropriate education, and they just gave them the right services. -
Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
Court addressed an appropriate education for a student with hearing impairments making satisfactory educational progress. Students will be given a reasonable opportunity to learn. This gained access because it did not give standards to what every student should achieve, but let every student have an equal opportunity. -
Oberti v. Board of Education of the Borough of Clementon School District
The right amount of aids and services should be offered to students with disabilities. This gained access because it gave students with disabilities the opportunity to learn in any environment. -
PL 99-457
Mandated services for preschoolers with disabilities, ages 3-5. Early intervention services for infants and toddlers. This helped access because it gave them the "developmentally delayed" title. -
Daniel R.R. v . State Board of Education
Court case that showed that a segregated classroom was the best for students with down syndrome. They thought that they would learn better in the environment of any student. This gained access because it gave students with down syndrome the opportunity to learn how to interact with the other students. -
PL 101-476
This was changed for Disabilities Education Act. It said that rehabilitation services and counseling will be provided. This gained access because it provided the right services. -
PL 105-17
Students with disabilities are still required to participate in state-wide and district-wide assessments. This gained access this gave them the same opportunity as the rest of the students. -
Cedar Rapids Community School Dsitrict v Garett F.
It gave any student with a disability the right materials to succeed in school. This gained access because it gave any student the ability to learn. -
PL 108-446
Modified criteria for students with specific learning disabilities. This gained access because that meant they would not fail having the same criteria as the rest of the students, but modifying it will give them the right access to succeed.