The german army


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    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was when Aldof Hitler created Jewish camps called concentration camps. Jewish people were forced to wear a Star of David on their clothing. Hitler was so horrible he murdered 87% of the Jews. 9% were sent to concentration camps and murdered. the others were in hiding and when the war ended were sent to Britain to live a peaceful life. Hitler was a bad person.
  • About Aldof Hitler

    About Aldof Hitler
    Aldof Hitler was the ruler of Germany's army for the entire time of WWII. He waged war on Poland and many other countries. He was a horrible person and waged war on plenty of countries for absolutely no reason.
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    How did WWII start?

    WWII started because Germany did not like the treaty created at the end of WWI. So, they hired Aldof Hitler, and he waged against all the neighboring countries.