Costa Rica Adopt a Country

  • Sep 18, 1502

    Spanish Colonization

    Spanish Colonization
    Christopher Columbus found Costa Rica on September 18th, 1502. He named Costa Rica because it means "rich coast." Several Spanish explorers and people from Spain found Costa Rica too, eveuntually leading to the first colony. Spanish colonization began in 1522. The first colony was named Villa Bruselas.
  • Coffee from Spain

    Coffee from Spain
    Costa Rica discovers Coffee from Spain. The farmers from Costa Rica start to grow coffee and it helps the economy a lot.
  • Independence from Spain

    Independence from Spain
    Costa Rica and all of Central America wanted freedom from Spain. Napolean invaded and defeated Spain. Between 1810-1825 all of Centrral America fought in Mexico agaisnt Spain. Central America declared there freedom on September 15th, 1821.
  • The Mexican Empire Dissolves

    The Mexican Empire Dissolves
    When Costa Rica first gained indepence from Spain they were part of the Kingdom of Guatemala. Then for a breif time Costa Rica was part of the Mexican Empire. The Mexican Empire started to dissolve. Costa Rica joined Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua as the United Provinces of Central America.
  • Central American Resistance

    Central American Resistance
    Under the leadership of Juan Rafael Mora, Costa Rica takes the lead in organising Central American resistance against William Walker, the US adventurer who took over Nicaragua in 1855.
  • Railroads

    1870-82 - Under the leadership of Tomas Guardia Costa Rica encourages intensive foreign investment in railways.This is one of Costa Ricas first biggest transportation services.
  • Workers Rights

    Workers Rights
    President Rafael Angel Calderon Guradia, who found the United Christian Socialist Party (PUSC), introduces Cost Rica to liberal reforms, like recognition of workers' rights and minimum wages.
  • Right to Vote

    Right to Vote
    Angela Acuña, Yadira Calvo Fajardo, and Pancha Carrasco helped to fight and end womens suffrage. A new constitution gave women and people of the African descendant the right to vote. In 1949, Jose Figueres Ferrer was elected president and started to work on socialist programme.
  • First Women President

    First Women President
    Laura Chinchilla was Costa Ricas first womens president in Feburary 2010. She took 47% of the votes. She was aslo able to serve a second term.
  • Juan Rafael Mora leads a fight

    Juan Rafael Mora leads a fight
    An American, Willian Walker, tries to take over Costa Rica. Juan Rafael Mora bravley leads a fight agaisnt Willian Walkr defending Costa Rica.