• John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Experiental Learning. Cycle of Experience, Reflecting, Thinking and Acting as primary aim of education. This theory is known for interaction. Learning is a reacuring cycle nog a linear proces.
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  • Lev Vygotsky

    Theory of Social Development. He developed three major theories namely the MKO, Social Interaction, ZPD. The theory promotes small teams and groups.
  • Jean Paiget

    Jean Paiget
    Theory of Genetic Epistemology. Children develop in stages. Sensormotor stage, Pre-operational, Concrete Operations and Formal operatons. These 4 stages show how the mind process new information encountered and reasoning develop in each stage.
  • Jerome Bruner

    Constructivism (Discovery and Enquiry Learning Theory). Learners learn the most when drawing own experienes trough wrestling with problems and achieving goals.
  • Albert Bandura

    Albert Bandura
    Social Learning Theory. Children can learn form observing for the e- learning enviroment, video's and case studies can be used. Children reflect what they see, as they grow up this might change.
  • Jean Lave

    Situated Learning Theory. This theory suggest communities of practice (COP) for learning to take place. There needs to be a domain, a community and a practice. Learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context.
  • John Seely Brown

    Cognitive apprenticeship. He introduced entrepreneurial learning. Technologies and communities can support and enhance collective learning. Learners are handson and problemsolvers. This theory emphisase learner discovery by connecting with content
  • Roger Schank

    Schema Theory. This theory explores narrative understanding by way of scripts, plans and themes. The learner must have the urge to learn and complete the "story". Curriculum Design, promotes combining learning by doing experiences with monitoring. Learners mind's want to order patterns and relationships to make knowledge usefull
  • Daniel Goleman

    Theory of Emosional Intelligence (EQ). EQ is defined as the aility to identify assess and control one's own emotions, the emotions of others and that of groups. According to this theory certain abilities can be aquired while learning. Feelings and attitudes must be concidered when a learning is designed.
  • K. Anders Ericsson

    Expert Performance Theory. Practice makes perfect. Purposeful Practice methods, expert coaching equals delibrate practice. According to Ericsson expert performance is more about reflection, visualisation and evaluation of your performance.
  • Ellen Langer

    Theory of Mindful Learning. Mindful learning has to do with critical thinking, asking the right questions and cultivating mindset of uncertainty. There must be mindful engagement with content and the awareness of more than one perspective on things. Mindful learning leave footprints.
    ‘mindset of uncertainty’