Sir Francis Galton
Sir Francis Galton was the first person to research intelligence testing. Galton believed that a person's intelligence is hereditary and is passed down from generation to generation (Human Intelligence, 2018). "Human Intelligence", (2018). Retrieved from https://www.intelltheory.com/galton.shtml -
Alfred Binet
Alfred Binet created a test that would help to identify a child's level of intelligence. Because of his contribution to gifted education, children can be tested to determine if they are behind, on target, or ahead of their peers academically("State University", 2018). State University, (2018). Retrieved fromhttp://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1790/Binet-Alfred-1857-1911.html -
Lewis Terman
Lewis Terman was a brilliant psychologist who successfully discovered a way to measure individual difference. After careful research, Terman revised Alfred Binet's scale of intelligence. It was replaced with the Stanford-Binet. A valuable component of the Stanford Binet is that the mental test could evaluate and determine a person's IQ("NNBD", 2014). NNBD, (2014). Retrieved from http://www.nndb.com/people/478/000165980/ -
Leta Hollingworth
Leta Hollingsworth was the voice for making sure gifted students were identified correctly. She also made sure gifted students received curriculums that were developmentally appropriate for them. Her loving and attentive ways, deemed her as "Nurturant Mother of gifted education" ("Gifted Development, nd.). Gifted Development Center, (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.gifteddevelopment.com/highly-and-profoundly-gifted/leta-hollingworth-birthmother-pg -
Calvin Taylor
Calvin Taylor created the Multiple Creative Talent teaching approach. Taylor believed that all students who are recognized as gifted and talented, may not excel in all areas academically. Through research, Taylor discovered that widely used intelligence test only measured a small portion a students giftedness. ("Human Intelligence", 2013). Human Intelligence, (2013). Retrieved from https://www.intelltheory.com/taylor.shtml -
Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner is notably known for his theory of multiple intelligence. Based on Gardner's theory, we get to learn the world around us through seven areas of intelligence. Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Bodily Kinesthetic, Spatial, and Music (Cherry, 2017). Cherry. K. (2017). Howard gardner Bbiography. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/howard-gardner-biography-2795511 -
Abraham Tannenbaum
Abraham created the Sea Star to determine the giftedness in students. His definition of giftedness is a persons ability to enrich the moral, social, intellectual, physical, or aesthetic of life (Abraham Tannenbaum., 2014). Abraham Tannenbaum dies; Groundbreaking theorist in the field of gifted education., (2014). Retrieved from https://www.tc.columbia.edu/articles/2014/july/abraham-tannenbaum-dies-groundbreaking-theorist-in-the-fiel/ -
Francois Gagne
Francois Gagne created the Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent. His contribution to education allow educators to the difference between a gift and a talent (Gagne's differentiated model, 2011). Gagne's differentiated model of giftedness and talent., (2011). Retrieved from https://blogs.tip.duke.edu/giftedtoday/2011/08/30/gagnes-differentiated-model-of-giftedness-and-talent/ -
Joseph S. Renzulli
Joseph S. Renzulli is known for the Three-Ring Model. He believed a persons level of giftedness is not just one area, but is a mixture of three distinct areas, Task commitment, above average, and creativity("LPI Learning", 2016). LPI learning innovation in global education., (2016). Retrieved from https://lpilearning.org/about/management/dr-joseph-s-renzulli/ -
Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray
Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray are the author's of "The Bell Curve". Their research led to the discovery of the dissimilarities of intellect in the United States. Their findings also brought attention to the difference of IQ's scores in reference to racial background(Beatty, 2013). Beatty, B., (2013). The bell curve. Human intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.intelltheory.com/bellcurve.shtml -
Donna Y. Ford
Donna Ford focused her studies on gifted African American students. It is her belief that using nonverbal ability test are culturally fair (National association., n.d.). National association for gifted children, (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.nagc.org/bio/donna-y-ford -
Robert J. Sternberg
Robert J, Sternberg's research manifested a trio of students level of intellect. The areas are analytical, synthetic, and practical giftedness. Steinberg's theory is that high achievers academic giftedness is a mixture of these three areas and may change as a child get older (Human Intelligence., 2013). Human intelligence, (2013). Retrieved from https://www.intelltheory.com/sternberg.shtml