Period: to
Continuum of Strategies
Minor Offense Followed by Redirection
Speaking out of turn. -
Minor Offense Followed by Redirection and Warning
Getting up from seat during group discussion and sharpening pencil. -
Major Offense Followed by Redirection and Conference at End of Class. Social-Based Consequence.
Hitting another student while playing on the playground. Consequence: No outside time for three days, works on unfinished work. -
Minor Offense Followed by Redirection and Reteaching
Not working quietly during independent work time. -
Specific Praise for Correct Behaviors
"I love how you raised your hand when you wanted to answer the question, that was very respectful." -
Major Offense Followed by Referral to Principal
Destroying library books and throwing them. -
Minor Offense Followed by Planned Ignoring
Talking to neighbor during silent reading time. -
Conference with Parents, Principal, Student, and Couselor
Discuss options on how to modify behavior and come up with a new behavioral plan that all agree on. Begin following the new plan.