Contemporary Period

  • Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Austria-Hungary announces the annexation of the two territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated.

    The assassinations we're done by Serbian nationalists who wanted to expand Slav territory.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

  • World War I began

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Beginning of World War I

  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The battle ended on August 30th with German victory and the capture of over 125,000 Russians.
  • Ending of World War I

    World War I ends with the defeat of Germany.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party
    Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) Party.
  • The stock market begins its spectacular rise.

    This event beared little relation to the rest of the economy.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes President

    Herbert Hoover becomes President
    The stock market crashed less than 8 months into Hoover's fresh presidency.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Sellers traded nearly 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange, leading into the Great Depression.
  • Beginning of The Great Depression

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt

    Inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt
    Franklin Roosevelt was president for the majority of World War II
  • Germany Quits the League of Nations

  • Hitler Invades Poland From the West

    Hitler invading Poland becomes one of the main triggers of World War II
  • Beginning of World War II

  • U.S. Drops Nuke on Hiroshima

    The U.S. drops nuclear weapons on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, during the final stage of World War II
  • Ending of World War II

    World War II ended with the defeat of those involved with the axis powers.