War of succesion between the Crown of Castile and the Catalan-Aragonese crown.
-1702-1714 -
The United States of America becomes independent from England.
French Revolution. The village occupies the Bastille.
Beginning of the war of independence in Spain.
The defeat of Waterloo marks the end of Napoleon's military.
First steam locomotive in the Iberian Peninsula.
The Eiffel Tower, a sample of the iron architecture of the s. XIX.
Picasso begins a new pictorial style, Cubism.
World War I ends with more than 12 million dead.
-1914-1918 -
The Russian Revolution establishes a socialist regime (USSR).
Gandhi organizes the first civil disobedience campaign.
Nazism begins in Germany.
Civil war in Spain.
-1936-1939 -
World War II.
-1939-1945 -
Military dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain.
-1939-1975 -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs explode.
The People's Republic of China is proclaimed, with Mao (president).
Triumph of the Cuban Revolution with Fidel Castro.
Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Attack on the Twin Towers in New York.
Beginning of the civil war in Syria.
Refugee crisis in Europe.