Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France. He wanted to invade Portugal to continue expanding his empire for Europe. For this, he needed to go through Spain.
Carlos IV, king of Spain, was faced with his son Fernando VII. This favoured the decision to let the French troops through Spain.
Along the way, Napoleon invaded some cities in Spain. -
War of Independence
The Spanish people were confronted because some of them wanted Carlos IV as king and others Fernando VII. In addition, they fought against the French troops. -
First Spanish constitution
In 1812, Courts of Cádiz was celebrated, there the first constitution of the history of Spain was written. It was liberal because it denfends the rights of citizens. -
End of the war
The war ended in 1814 with the victory of Spain, since it had the help of Great Britain.
After the war was Fernando VII who occupied the Spanish throne, who abolished the constitution, returning to absolute power.
The citizens of America dissatisfied with all this, proclaimed their independence. -
Law of succession
During the reign of Fernando VII changed the law of succession, which made his daughter Isabel II could govern.
When the king died, his brother Carlos claimed the throne since Isabel was 3 years old. But was her mother Maria Cristina who served as regent.
Carlos was supported by the absolutists and Isabel by the liberals, who approved a constitution in 1837.
But the Carlists did not accept it and made the first Carlist war. -
Queen of Spain
Isabel II was proclaimed queen of Spain, with only 13 years.
During her reign, the liberal politicians who supported her were organized into 2 parties, moderates, led by Narváez. They defended consensual liberalism. During his government, the Constitution of 1845 was approved.
The liberal liberals were led by Espartero. They defended the liberties of middle and popular classes. -
End of the reign
A group of soldiers faced the queen and had to go into exile in France. The fall of Isabel II opened a democratic process, the new Constitution was made in 1869, a parliamentary monarchy was established and the elected king was Amadeo I. This king finally renounced the throne and proclaimed the First Spanish Republic. In 1874 a new group of soldiers faced and restored the monarchy. -
The restoration
A year later, Alfonso XII de Borbón, son of Isabel II, was proclaimed king. After the Constitution of 1876 was approved, it was conservative. The government allowed the alternation of two dominant parties: the conservatives of Cánovas del Castillo and the liberals of Sagasta. After the king's death, Maria Cristina de Habsburgo was named regent. During her regency, the last colonies of America were lost: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.