Contemporany age

  • Calculator

    Electronic machine capable of performing arithmetic calculations
    -.Immediate calculations
    -Exact calculations
    -Performing any operation with any set of numbers.
    -Disfavors mental calculation
    -The algorithms of basic operations are forgotten
    -Becomes a dependent object
  • Steamboat

    It is a ship powered by steam engines, or steam turbines.
    +-Great distances could be traveled by steamboat.
    -It allowed a large amount of loads to be transported.
    -Too much thermal energy is needed, so large amounts of carbon were used for short trips.
    -Highly polluting, the smoke that the carbon gives off when it burns is very polluting.
  • Lightbulb

    Source that generates artificial light
    -They have a high electricity consumption compared to a fluorescent bulb.
    -They emit much more heat due to the July effect.
    -The intensity of the light is more opaque than a fluorescent bulb.
    - Disavantages
    -Contains mercury
    -Has a higher cost.
    -Is danger
  • Radio

    It is a distance communication technology through the emission of electromagnetic waves that carry audio signals.
    -It is highly segmented.
    -It enjoys wide credibility.
    -Allows real-time interaction with your audience.
    -It isn't suitable for deaf people.
    -There is no visual image, which, in that sense, presents the medium as handicapped compared to television.
    -For listeners, the advertising spot can be annoying, especially when there are many of them.
  • Plane

    It is a vehicle, provided with wings and one or more engines, capable of moving through the air.
    -Fast and reliable.
    -Better access to places where other transportation does not reach.
    -Reduction in the probability of damage and loss
    -Dependencia on weather conditions
    -Not suitable for all types of merchandise
    -Greater environmental impact