I was born in California and lived there for 15 years of my life and moved here in Skokie about a year and a half ago. -
I am not joining any clubs or sports this year because i want to be able to put all of my focus on school and especially when the ACT's are coming up -
Goals: Short Term
By the end of this year, i hope to succeed with straight A's or A's and B's at least. I hope to have a score of 20+ for my ACT's. -
Goals: Long Term
I'd like to either to go to college in Illinois, California, or Wyoming. My major will be Automotive Engineering. Besides college, i would like to travel around the world, and if not the world, at least the United States. -
In 5 Years...
I will still be in college because i want to get my masters degree for Automotive Engineering. The job i want to have is anything that has to do with egineering and cars and fixing them up, making them look and feel better. The average salary engineering workers make is $68,340 a year. I will either be living in Chicago in the city or California in the suburbs because my family lives both of those places. I will be owning a 2014 Camaro Z28. -
In 10 Years...
I will still be working in the engineering department and i will be making $68,340 a year. I will most likely be living in Chicago in the city because I will be closer to my mom and pops, and i want to be able to spend the holidays with them and be there if they ever need me. I will be living in a house with my husband and 4 kids, and 2 dogs, which will be a husky and a german shepard.