New nation

By Grkiser
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia pa. To strength ion the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of the federation
  • Declaration of rights

    The state constitution contained a declaration of rights. The declaration was based upon willum penns beliefs. The first section states that all men are born equally, free and independent. Somme of the specific rights are the right to the trial by jury, freedoms of speech, press, and assembly and the right to bear arms es
  • Confederation Adopted by the states

    The articles of confederation was made to give most of the power in the government to the states this was important at the time because the founding fathers where afraid of a strong national gov. Like that of Great Britain .
  • Pa. Ratifies new U.S. constitution

    In November pa held a state convention to decide if they should ratify the new constitution. some states opposed this bu after many years of debate supporters of the construction won.
  • Whisky rebellion

    A new is put out on whisky witch hurt farmers and led to many violent protests agents tax collectors
  • Political parties

    George Washington was agents dividing the country how ever people still felt how much the federal government should have so the police all parties where formed
  • Fries rebellion

    A different tax on land, houses, and slaves was put on the American people. the house tax was based on how many windows the home hade. And again violent protests agents tax collectors began
  • War of 1812

    President James Madison chose that British violations of American rights should not be allowed any longer so he pleaded to Congress to declare war.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Commodore Oliver Perry put in charge of navel forces on Lake Erie. The Niagara and other ships attacked the British and in a few hours they defeated the British and caused their leader to surrender
  • Battle of New Orleans

    General Andrew Jackson defeated a large British force and later became president