
Constituion Timeline

  • Jun 10, 1215

    Magna Carta signed

    Magna Carta signed
    The Magna Carta was signed on June 10, 1215. King John was forced to sign the document after he taxed the Barons in order to make up for lost land. The barons revolted and arrived at Windsor in arms, forcing the king to sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta gave the king less power and allowed a parliment to be created. This document is often reffered to as the basis for the rights of English citizens.
  • Mayflower Compact signed

    Mayflower Compact signed
    link: Mayflower compact was signed by the English settlers aboard the Mayflower coming to the New World. Most of these people were persecuted in England and decided the colony would be free from English law. After seeing earlier settlements fail due to a lack of government, the settlers created a compact that included a set of laws and the outlining of a government for the settlement.
  • Formation of the New England Confederation

    Formation of the New England Confederation
    link: New England Confederation was formed after the Pequot War. The Dutch'e expansion was threatining the colonies of Massachusett, Conneticut, Plymouth and New Haven. This document united the four colonies and allowed them to keep the same amount of territory. They were governed by a board where two representatives from each colony were elected to be representatives. They had the power to declare wars and deal with Indian affairs. six votes were needed to pass a decision.
  • The French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian War Begins French and Indian War began when British colonists wanted to expand their land over the Appalachian Mountains to use for farming. This land belonged to France at the tme.George Washington led the Virginia Malitia and captured Fort Duquesne. This began the War between France and Britain for the land to the west of the appalachian Mountains.
  • Albany Plan of Union announced

    Albany Plan of Union announced
    The Albany Plan of Union was created after the French and Indian Wars. These wars started after France and England fought over who would control the land in North America. After the war, England was left with the most power and created a document to help unify the colonies.Each colony would elect delegates who would participate in an American Continental Assemly that would be administered by a royal governor.
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    Treaty of Paris (1763) treaty of Paris was made after the French and Indian War. this gave all the land France had previously owned in North America to the British. Indians were not happy that colonists were settling on their land and began to attack those who crossed the Appalachians. King George lll ordered that no colonist would be allowed to settle on the newly won land. This angered the colonists who had fought hard for the land.
  • Royal Proclamation (1763)

    Royal Proclamation (1763) Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made by King Goerge lll who establishes that no British colonist would be allowed to settle on the land won in the French and Indian War. This was meant to keep peace between the Indians and colonists, but it angered the colonists who had fought hard for their land.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts Townshend Acts were passed by Parliment. They stated that the colonists would not be allowed to settle west of the Appalachian mountains. this was to keep the Indians from uprising. Prilment alos sent more troops to the colonies which required more money. They began passing taxes which angered the colonists. the colonists boycotted all products not from America.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act Stamp Act occured in 1764, when england put a tax on products such as sugar and molasses in the colonies. Also, England only allowed the colonists to trade with England and not foreign countries. By selling to England, the merchants would not be able to sell their goods for as much. some colonists began boycotting British goods.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act Stamp Act was when Britain imposed a tax on the colonists that taxed imported goods. This caused the colonists to rebel, and lead to violent taring and feathering of the tax collectors. this lead to many tax collectors to become unwilling to collect the taxes. Without tax collectors, Briatin had trouble enforcing the tax.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress the stamp act was passed, many colonists appealed to Parliment to appeal the act. When these wishes were ignored, the colonists created a Stamp Act Congress. It formed the Stamp Act Resolves. Although the document did not do much to sway congress' opinion, the gesture was significant.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre March 5th, 1770, a mob of 60 people began taunting a sentry. As more colonists arrived the guard called for help. One soldier was knocked down. He then got up and shot at the crowd. 11 died or were wounded.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    After the boycotting of goods from Britain, the colonists were left only with a tax on tea. Parliment then issued an act stating only the East India Tea Company could sell tea in the colonies. This bypassed all the merchants who sold tea. This angered the colonists who began boycotting the tea. Three ships in Boston harbor contained tea, but the Govenor refused them permission to sail back. Boston Patriots snuck onto the ship dressed as Indians and dumped all the crates of tea into the harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress the Intolerable Acts were passed in Boston, the colonists decided to set up a congress where delegates from all states but Georgia were present. This meeting was held in Philidelphia, where they agreed to boycott English goods and continue meeting until Britain changed its policies.
  • Patrick Henry "Give me Liberty"

    Patrick Henry "Give me Liberty"
    Patrick Henry was a delegate who spoke at the Second Virgina Convention. There, he gave the idea to create a calvalry for every Virginia county. He is famous for his speech in which he said, "Give me liberty, or give me death."
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Revere was sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the British troops arrival. He crossed the Charles River where he was given the signal, two lanterns, which meant the Bristish were coming by sea. He then rode through Massachusetts to Lexington yelling "the regulars are coming out!"
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord British went to Lexington to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Instead they were met by the Minutemen. Nobody knows who fired the first shot, but the Minutemen were forced to retreat. The British then continued to head to Concord, where they were met by the minutemen a second time. the British were forced to retreat.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga Ethan Allen and his militia of Green Mountain Boys along with some other neighboring malitias went to capture Fort Ticonderoga because it was not heavily guarded. Along the way they met with Benedict Arnold and his militia. They decided to join forces, and easily defeated the lightly gaurded fort.
  • Second Continental Congress Meets

    Second Continental Congress Meets second Continental Congress began meeting on May 10th, 1775. There, the congress focused on managing the war effort and gaining independence. The Congress eventually drafted the United States Declartation of Independence on July 4th, 1776
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British retreated back to Boston. The colonist's militia occupied Bunker and Breeds hills during the night. The next day, the British discovered they were there and began to attack. The colonist's occupied the hills until they were forced to retreat after they ran out of ammunation. Although the British won the battle, they suffered heavy losses.
  • "Common Sense" Published

    "Common Sense" Published"Common Sense" was anounimously written by Thomas Paine. the book supported America's independence from Britain. It untied colonists and was a major force leading to the Declaration of Independence.
  • British Evacuate Boston the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the British flew to Boston. There the colonists set up cannons on Dorchester Heights, forcing the British to evacuate.
  • British Evacuate Boston the battles of Lexington and Concord, the British flew to Boston. the colonists then moved their cannons to Dorchester Heights. The British were then forced to evacuate Boston.
  • Declaration of Independence Announced

    Declaration of Independence Announced July 4th, the Continental Congress voted to approve Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence in secret. On July 8th, the signing of the Declaration was announced and it was read at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
  • "The Crisis" Published

    "The Crisis" Published"The Crisis" was written by Thomas Paine. The pamphlet's were written and read to boost the morale of the soldiers when they needed it the most. It was written in a language an ordinary man could understand and stressed the isssues at stake in the war.
  • Washington Captures Trenton

    Washington Captures Trenton Battle of Trenton took place after Washington's crossing of the Delaware River. With the rough weather, it made it hard for the Britsih to retreat from the fort. the battle was short, and ended when most of the Hessians gaurding the fort had been captured. It was a large boost in the colonists morale.
  • British Defeated at Saratoga

    British Defeated at Saratoga Battles of Saratoga are often referred to as the turning point in the war. John Burgoyne's army was forced to retreat, but was surrounded by American malitia. He then surrendered. The French then decided to ally themselves with the continnental army.
  • Articles of Confederation signed

    Articles of Confederation signed
    link: Articles of Confederation were signed on November 15, 1777. At the time, the central government did not have much control. Power was held by larger states and each state had their own constitution. The members of congress decided to create a document that would clearly display there rules and how they were organized. It wasn't until 1781 that all the sates accepted the articles. The articles allowed the government to have control printing money and providing for the war effort.
  • Winter at Valley Forge Pennsylvania

    Winter at Valley Forge Pennsylvania a string of loosing battles, Washington took his army back to Valley Forge. There, the Continental army trained in traditional European warfare. During the winter, the men were forced to stay in cold cabins where they risked starvation and disease.
  • John Paul Jones defeats the Serapis

    John Paul Jones defeats the Serapis September 17th, 1779, John Paul Jones engaged in Battle with the Serapis. the two exchanged fire and jones came out the victor. His famous quote was " I have not yet begun to fight."
  • Benedict Arnold plans found out Arnold made plans to give the British Westpoint. to his dismay, British spy, John Andre, was captured; giving away the genreals plans.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    Cornwallis Surrenders Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1981 in Yorktown, Virginia. Here, the Colonial and French army met and surrounded Cornwallis' troops. This forced the surrender of the British and led the British governmentdisscussing end the confilct, ending the revolution.
  • Newburgh Conspiracy

    Newburgh Conspiracy
    link: Newbourgh Conspiracy began after many soldiers in the Revolutionary War were tired, and wanted their pay. Congress promised to address these problems, but did nothing. An anonymous soldier wrote to Congress saying if they were not payed, they would turn against their country if the war ended, or leave the country in distress if the war continued. Geogre Washington disagreed with this and held a meeting with his officers where they decided to work with the government rather than against it.
  • Treaty of Paris (1783) signed

    Treaty of Paris (1783) signed
    link: Treaty of Paris ended the Revoltuionary War, declaring the United States independence and established borders for the nation. The treaty was signed September 3rd, 1783, but was not ratified until January 14th, 1784.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    link: Land Ordinance of 1785 was signed on May 20th. This ordinance stated that plots of land would be bought from the Indians who lived their. These plots would be measured into townships that would be six square miles each. These townships would be divided into 36 sections. Selling the land in these townships would be easier because the plots of land would all be the same size. By divivding the townships into sections, it would allow townships to sell or trade sectons with other townships.
  • Ordinance of Religous Freedom

    Ordinance of Religous Freedom
    link: Ordinance of Religous Freedom was the beginning of seperation between church and state. In the ordinance, it was written that man has the choice to believe in God or not to believe. The also has the right to worship whatever he pleases. This ordinance played a role in public schools where states decided it was more important for many children to go to school and become good citizens. Religion was not taught at these schools so many children of different religions would attend.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    link:'s Rebellion occured in Western Massachusetts where farmers were falling into debt and losing their farms. One farmer named Daniel Shay, led a rebellions of many farmers to the courthouses armed with weapons demanding they get their famrs back. The govenor of Massachusetts, James Bowdoin organized Massachusetts military force to break up the revolt.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention convention was held in Annapolis Maryland. This convention's purpose was to fix the effects of the new government. 12 delegates from the states New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia attended the meeting. Because delegates from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and North Carolina were unable to make it in time and some states did not participate at all; it was determined that they would be unable to make a decision. This led to the Philidalphia Convention.
  • Constitutional Convention Opens

    Constitutional Convention Opens
    link: Consitutional Convention was held in the Philidelphia State House on May 25, 1787. Fiftey five delegates from the colonies met to radify the constitution. At first, the meeting was only meant to ammend the articles of confederation. It was quickly discovered the delagets would need to create a new government; beginning the work of the new constitution.
  • Northwest Ordinace of 1787

    Northwest Ordinace of 1787
    link: Northwest Ordinance of 1787 allowed new states to be added to the thirteen colonies. This ordinance created a government for these new colonies as well as a bill of rights that outlawed slavery. Finally, the ordinance inculded how the land in the territory northwest of the Ohio River would be split so it could be sold to settlers.
  • Great Compromise Agreed To

    Great Compromise Agreed To
    link: the constitutional convention, their was a conflict between having proportional or equal representaion. The Great Compromise proposed the isea of having both; a House of Representatives where the number of represantatives from each state would depend on the states population and a Senate where the number of represenativives from each state would be equal. Each state would have two.
  • Constitution Sent to States for Ratification

    Constitution Sent to States for Ratification
    link: the completion of the constitution, it was sent out to all thirteen states for radification on September 28th, 1787. Only nine out of the thirteen states had to ratify the constitution in order for it to take effect.Two sides emerged from the Constitution being sent out. Ferderalists, who supported the constitution and anti-federalists, who were against it.
  • Federalist Papers Appear

    Federalist Papers Appear
    link: -antifederalists_vs_federalists.htmAfter the constitution as sent out, The federalist Papers were published. This consisted of 85 essays written by James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. They defended the constitution stating the Articles of Confederation were weak and that a string national government would protect the rights of the people. They also stated the national government would control states unwilling to cooperate aw well.
  • Anti-federalist Articles Appear

    Anti-federalist Articles Appear
    link: -antifederalists_vs_federalists.htmAfter the constitution was sent out for ratification, anti-feredalist articles appeared. These articles opposed the ratifcation of the constitution claiming a strong cenral government would take away power from the states and threaten the rights and freedoms of the people. They also criticized the constitution on its lack of a bill of rights.
  • Delaware Ratifies

    Delaware Ratifies
    link: December 7th, 1787, Delaware unanimously voted in favor of ratifying the constitution, 30-0. This made Delaware the first state to ratify the constitution.
  • Massachusetts Ratifies Constitution

    Massachusetts Ratifies Constitution
    link: five states had already ratified the constitution, Massachusetts held a convention in Boston. It held the largest convention out of all the states. The vote was predicited to go either way. During the debate, Gov. John Hancock propsed an idea to reccomend ammendments to the constitution, including a Bill of Rights. This relieved many of the Anti-federalists concerns and with the support of Samuel Adams on the idea; Massachusetts ratified with a vote of 187 to 168.
  • New Hampshire Ratifies Constitution

    New Hampshire Ratifies Constitution
    link: June 21st, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the constitution. The count going into the debate was dead even. By using the Massachusetts compromise of "ratify now, ammend later", the federalists were able to reach victory and ratify the constitution.
  • Congress Meets for the First Time

    Congress Meets for the First Time
    link: United States Congress met for the first time on March 4th, 1789. This meeting was very important because it left the members with the responsibility to set up the procedures of the House and the Senate as well as chose the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate. The members also had to approve the ammendments made to the constitution.
  • George Washington elected President

    George Washington elected President
    link: the surrender of the British, Washington planned to go into retirment. But, soon he realized the Article of Confederation were not working and decided to attend the Constitutional convention. Once the constituiton was ratified, George Washington was unanimoulsy elected as the first president of the United Sates by the Electoral College.
  • Bill of Rights sent to States for Ratification

    Bill of Rights sent to States for Ratification
    link: Bill of Rights was introduced to the First Congress on March 4th, 1789. James Madison introduced the tweleve ammendments, although only ten were passed as first, and one of the two that were not passed was passed later on as the 27th ammendment in 1992. Only one of the origional twleve ammendments was never passed.
  • Bill of Rights Ratified

    Bill of Rights Ratified
    link: December 15th, 1791, three fourths of the states ratified ammendments 3-12 of the constitution. This ratified the Bill of Rights
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions written Virginia and Kentuckey Resolutions were written in 1798 and 1799; in secret by Thomas Jefferson and James madison. These resolves argued that states shoyld have the power to declare any laws or actions by Congress unconstitutional. These two states decided the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
  • Spain Closes Mississippi River

    Spain Closes Mississippi River
    Spain closed the Missisippi River in October 1802. This occrued when King Charles lV of Spain gave France the area of Louisiana. The Spanish Court then ordered American's access of ports and port's warehouses along the Mississippi in New Orleans to be taken away. This caused many problems amoung the colonies who relied on the river for trade and transportation as America grew to the west.
  • Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812

    Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812 Hartford convention met in 1814 and 1815, during the War of 1812. It was helf to discuss the federal government's rising power. At the convention, attendees discussed getting rid of the three fifths clause; which allowed a slave to count as three fifths of s person.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise was created in 1820 as an attempt to keep balance in congress between the free and slave states. This compromise allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave states and maine as a free state. This compromise included the 36'30' line. Above the line there could be no slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed Kansas-Nebraska Act was designed by Stephen Douglass. This act stated that both Kansas and Nebraska would enter the union as either free or pro slavery states based on popular soverienty. This meant the peple of the states would vote whethyer they would be free or slave states before they entered the Union.
  • Tariff of Abominations passed

    Tariff of Abominations passed Tariff of Abominations was passed to protect industries in the Northern United states that were going out of buissness by low priced imported goods. To protect these industries, a tax was put on them. the South was harmed by this because they were forced to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce.
  • South Carolina tries to nulify

    South Carolina tries to nulify<a South Carolina tried to nullify after the tariff of 1828 was passed. In 1832, south Carolina created the Ordinance of Nullification. This stated that the Tariff was unconstitutional, so it was null and void in South Carolina. Predident Jackson refused the nulificatio and congress was able to settle matters.
  • Abolition of Slavery (1833)

    Abolition of Slavery (1833) Slavery Abolition Act 1833 was passed by Britain's parliment abolishing slavery in the British Empire excapet for the Territories under the possesion of the East India Company.
  • Texas declares Independence from Mexico

    Texas declares Independence from Mexico formally declared its independence on May 2nd, 1836 from Mexico. It was adopted at the Convention of 1836 and formally signed the next day.
  • James Polk elected

    James Polk elected Polk was elected the eleventh president of the United States after beting his opponent, Hernry Clay of the Whig Party by a narrow margin. Polks campaign focused on expanding westward.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War Mexican War was started by the US' eleventh president James Polk. The war was apart of Polk's policy to exoand westward.AS a result of this war, the US gained the territories of New Mexico, Utah, and California.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso Wilmot was a political figure during the Mexican War. After the US gained several territories as a result; he created the Wilmot Proviso. This bill was meant to make it illegal to have slavery on the land gained from the war. This bill passed the House of Representatives, but was stopped in the Senate.
  • California Enters the Union

    California Enters the Union entered the union as the thirty first state on September 9th, 1850. As a part of the 1850 compromise, California entered the Union as a free state.
  • Fugitive Slave Law Enacted

    Fugitive Slave Law Enacted a part of the 1850 Compromise; the Fugitive Slave Law was enacted. This law stated that every US citizen must help to return runaway slaves to their owners. The law also stated that the runaway slaves would not be allowed to have a jury trial.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin's_CabinUncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This book opened up many people's eyes to the truth about slavery. She based the book off of accounts from runaway slaves. This book created many heated arguments as well.
  • Formation of the Republican Party

    Formation of the Republican Party Republican Party was founed after the Kansas Nebraska Act. This party was founded by Northern Whigs united in their opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Northern Democrats who seperated from the Southern Democrats over the issue of slavery.
  • "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence

    "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence the battle in kansas over whther it would enter the union as a free state or as a pro-slavery state, Lawrence was in the center of the battle. Pro-slavery adovacaters called the Border Ruffians sacked the town on May 21st, 1856.
  • Carles Sumner attacked.

    Carles Sumner attacked. May 22nd, 1856, Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner was attacked by Soutch Carolina representative Preston Brooks in the Senate. Brooks attacked Sumner over his anti-slavery speech, in which sumner insulted southeners and Preston's uncle.
  • Pattawatomie Creek

    Pattawatomie Creek Pattawatomie Creek Massacre was led by abolitionist John Brown. This attack was to seek revenge against the Sack of Lawrence. Brown's goal was to kill all the Border Ruffians involved in the attack. He killed five border ruffians.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed The constitution gave a slaveholder more rights over their slave. It also stopped slaves from being deported to Kansas. By having this document it meant that your state was a slave state.
  • Lncoln-douglas Debates

    Lncoln-douglas Debates lincoln- Douglas debates took place in illinois. They were both fighting for one fo Illinois' two senate seats. Although Lincoln laost the debates, they helped him become known nationally, which led to his victory as President of the US.
  • Dred Scott decision announced

    Dred Scott decision announced Scott was a slave who sued his owner for his and his families freedom. After winning the case in Missouri, Scott's owner's wife brought the case to surpeme court where the justice denied Scott his freedom. He claimed that scott was not a US citizen and therefore could not sure in a federal court. He also said Scott was property. Because of the fifth ammendment in which you cannot deny a owner is propety, Scott could be brought anywhere in the US, essentially meaning there was no such thing
  • Formation of Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of Constitutional Union Party Consitutional Union Party was fromed by memebrs of Whig party who wanted to avoid the seperation of the Union.
  • Raid at Haper's Ferry

    Raid at Haper's Ferry's_raid_on_Harpers_FerryThis raid was lef by John Brown. His goal was to sieze an armory to arm rebelling slaves in the South. He brought along 20 supporters. Brown's plan did not go as planned though. The lsaves did not rebel and Brown was captured and hanged for treason and murder against Virginia.
  • Democrats split in 1860

    Democrats split in 1860 the 1860 democratic election, there was a dedlock between the two candidates running for presidential candidate. The delock was between Stephen Douglas and John Breckenridge. This ended up spliiting the party between Southern and Northern Democrats.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860,_1860Their were four candidates running in the 1860 election. The republican candidate was Abragam Lincoln who was against slavery. Agaisnt him ran Stephen Douglas, the northern democrat who had the idea of popular soverienty. John bell also ran for the Constitutional Union party. He never mentioned the issue of slavery and wanted to kepp the union togather. John Beckenrige was the southern democrat who wanted to keep slavery. Lincoln won.
  • Abraham Lincoln announces Plans for Reconstruction

    Abraham Lincoln announces Plans for Reconstruction announced his plan for Reconstrutction in 186. The purpose of his plan was to forgive the South. The major points to his plan were, it offered a pardon to any Confederate who took an oath of allegiance and accepted federal policy on slavery, it denied pardons to Confederate military and government officials and to Southerners who killed African American war prisoners
  • Wade-Davis Bill Receives pocket Veto

    Wade-Davis Bill Receives pocket VetoâDavis_BillThe Wade- Davis Bill was a reconstruction plan written by two radical Republicans. It was much harsher than Lincoln's Ten percent plan. It passed both houses of Congress, but was vetoed by Lincoln. Lincoln did not want to punish the South, he wanted them to rejoin the Union.
  • Lincoln Re-Elected President

    Lincoln Re-Elected President,_1864Lincoln's buid for re-election was doubtful at first. Many believed his democratic opponent would win so he could create a peace treaty with the South. Only 25 states particiapted in this election becaus eof the seven suceding states. Lincoln won because his soldiers respected him and gave him full support.
  • Formation of the Freedman's Bureau

    Formation of the Freedman's Bureau Freedmen's Bureau was created as a division of the army in 1865. Their job was to help African-Americans with the transition of going from slaves to freedmen. Although the idea was good, their was never enough volunteers to make much of an impact.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln was shot on April 14th, 1865. He was sitting in the President's box with his wife at Ford's Theater. John Wilks Booth entered the box and shot the president below the left ear. He died the next day. John wilks booth lept from the box to the stage, breaking his ankel in the process. He was found and killed two weeks later.
  • President Andrew Johnson Announces plans for Reconstruction

    President Andrew Johnson Announces plans for Reconstruction Johnson's Plan for reconstruction was even more generous towards the South than Abraham Lincoln's plan. It pardoned any southerner who swore allegiance to the Union. It also allowed states to hold a constituional convetion without Lincoln's ten percent requirement.
  • Black Codes Created in Mississippi

    Black Codes Created in Mississippi Black codes were a set of laws passed that limited the rights of African-Americans. These laws included things such as not allowing African-Americans to rent or keep houses, not attend public meetings, and not carry firearms.
  • Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment

    Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment Thirteenth Ammendment was adopted by Congress on December 6th, 1865. This Ammendment qas meant to outlaw slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment of a crime.
  • Ku Klux Klan Created

    Ku Klux Klan Created Ku klux Klans was the United States' first terrorist Organization. They harrassed, tortured, kidnapped, and murdered many African-Americans. They used terror, force, or bribery to prevent people form voting because of their race.
  • Civil Right's Act (1866) Enacted

    Civil Right's Act (1866) Enacted Civil Rigths Act gave citizenship to and the same rights as a white man to all males in the United States.Andrew johnson vetoed the bill twice, but the second time, a two thirds vote on the bill was able to allow it to pass.
  • Reconstruction Acts Enacted

    Reconstruction Acts Enacted passed four statutes known as the Reconstruction Acts. These acts included laws such as the south would be divided into five military districts and each would be watched by a union general.It also caslled for each state to draft a new Constituion that would be approved by Congress.
  • President Andrew Johnson Impeached

    President Andrew Johnson Impeached Johnson was the 17th president of the United states. He became president after Lincoln's assassination. Johnson was a democrat. The radical republicans wanted a republican as president, so they impeached Johnson for breaking articke two of the United States constitution when he fired Secretary of War, Edwin M Stanton.
  • Ratification of the Fourtheeth Amendment

    Ratification of the Fourtheeth Amendment fourteenth Amendment was ratified on July 28th, 1868. This granted citizen ship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States." This included previous slaves and African-Americans
  • Ulysees S. Grant elected President

    Ulysees S. Grant elected President S. Grant was the 18th president of the United States. He became president after Johnson was impeached. Grant was a former Union general and a republican, so the radical republicans wanted him as president to make sure they would be able to use their reconstruction act.
  • Ratification of the fifteenth Amendment

    Ratification of the fifteenth Amendment fifteenth Amendment was ratified to give African Americans th right to vote. Although the bill was meant to help, Southernors were able to create loopholes by creating a poll tax and literacy taxes to stop former slaves from voting.
  • Hiram Revels elected to Senate

    Hiram Revels elected to Senate Revels was the first african American to serve in the United States Senate. He represented Mississippi during Reconstruction.
  • Ku Klux Klan Act Enacted

    Ku Klux Klan Act Enacted Ku klux Klan act was also known as thebthird enforcement act. this act created fines and jail times for thise who attempetd to deprive citizens of equal protection under law. It also gave the president authority of the troops to make sure civil rights were being up held.
  • Freedman's Bureau Abolished

    Freedman's Bureau Abolished's Bureau was abolished on june 28th, 1872. It was abolished by Andrew Johnson who claimed the bureau was unconstitutional.
  • Civil Rights Act (1875) passed

    Civil Rights Act (1875) passed civil rights acts of 1875 guaranteed that everyone regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude the same treatment at "public accomodation" including ferries, theaters, or othr places of entertainment.
  • "Jim Crow" enters the American cultural language

    "Jim Crow" enters the American cultural language Jim Crow laws were active in the United States between the years 1876 and 1965. These laws allowed for segregation of public schools, public places, and transportation. It also allowed segregation in restrooms and restaurants. This also inculed a poll tax to vote, as well as literacy tests and a granfather clause.
  • Last National Troops Leave South Carolina

    Last National Troops Leave South Carolina Reconstruction was officially over, an agreement was reached where all the Northern troops in the South would leave.
  • Rutherford B Hayes elected President

    Rutherford B Hayes elected President B Hayes was the 19th president of the United States. He was President during the end of reconstruction. He won on a norrow margin, loosing the popular vote, but winning after Congress gave him twenty electoral votes.
  • Civil Rights Act Overturned

    Civil Rights Act Overturned United States supreme Court decided in 1883 that the Civl Rigths Act of 1875 was unconstitutional and not authorized by the 13th or 14th amendment.
  • Florida Requires Segregation in Places of Public Accomodation

    Florida Requires Segregation in Places of Public Accomodation first state to enforce segregation laws was Florida, until other states began to enfore them as well in 1892. These laws included places of entertainment, restaurants, bathrooms, etc.. This included voting, where there were requirements that had to be made in order for an African American to vote, which in this case enabled them.
  • Case of Plessey vs, Ferguson

    Case of Plessey vs, Ferguson vs. Ferguson was a famous case in the United States regarding racial segregation. plessey was arrested for sitting in a "white" car on a train. The case was brought to supreme court. The outcome of the case was that seperation was legal as long as the cars were "equal."