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Connecticut's history

  • The connecticut colony is established

    The connecticut colony is established
  • the New Haven colony is established

    the New Haven colony is established
  • The river valley is recognized

    The river valley is recognized
    The river valley runs through the center of Connecticut.
  • the Connecticut and the New Haven colonies unite

    the Connecticut and the New Haven colonies unite
  • CT stathood

    CT stathood
    Connecticut becomes a state. Its name means 'beside the long tidal river.'
  • Eli Whitny invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitny invents the cotton gin
    Schoolteacher Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin to help slaves in the south separate the seeds from the regular cotton
  • Period: to

    hartford becomes the insurance capitol of the world

    hartford becomes the insureance capitol of the world
  • The record high tepurature

    the record high temp. is 106 degrees F. no image
  • The Coastal Plain is recognized

    The Coastal Plain is recognized
    The costal plain runs along the coastal edge of Connecticut