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Conflicts in Israel

  • Conflict with Israel

    Conflict  with Israel
    Israel was established in 1948. Therefore, the Middle Eastern countries have refused to recognize its right to exist.
  • Attacks against Israel

    Attacks against Israel
    Some countries have continuously attacked Israel. Also, these have funded militant groups that conduct raids and terrorist attacks against Israelíes.
  • Wars with Israel

    Wars with Israel
    A series of wars between Israel and its neighbors has led to the expansion of Israel. That’s the reason why Israel controls more land now then it did in 1948.
  • Israelí Control Expands

    Israelí Control Expands
    Many Palastinian Arabs live under Israelí control. This is another source of tension and conflict in the region.
  • Israel

    Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Israel expanded its territory in 2006, many years after the Six-Day War.