509 BCE
Roman Republic established
The Roman Republic is established; patricians have more power than the plebeians (commoners). Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://www.ushistory.org/civ/6a.asp -
494 BCE
The First Secession of the Plebeians
The plebs were tired of the patricians being more privileged and having more power so they all left Rome and set up camp on the Sacred Mount. They were on strike until their concerns about the political system were addressed. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://www.itakehistory.com/post/secession-of-the-plebs -
494 BCE
The Tribune of the Plebeians is created
Tribunes had a powerful position because it gave a voice to the plebs. To become one, you had to be elected by the Plebeian Council. Tribunes were able to "veto" laws, and this caused anger to stir in the patricians. To keep the tribune safe, they were declared as a "sacrosanct", meaning holy, and it would be a crime with the sentence of death if someone were to harm them. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/features/rome-and-the-tribunes-of-the-plebians-237643 -
451 BCE
Creation of the Twelve Tables
The Twelve Tables were made to be fair and just for all citizens of Rome, whether they were plebeians or patricians. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://historycooperative.org/the-twelve-tables/ -
448 BCE
The Second Secession of the Plebeians
The plebeians marched to the Sacred Mount again because of the cruelty of the Decemvirate (powerful people who prevented the return Tribune of the Plebs), and once again the patricians realized they needed the plebeians. The plebeians didn't come back until the Decemvirate backed down. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://brewminate.com/revolution-in-the-divided-city-the-struggle-of-the-orders-in-ancient-rome/ -
445 BCE
Canuleian Law is passed
This law allowed plebeians to hold any office in Rome. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lex-Canuleia -
445 BCE
Third Secession of the Plebeians
The Plebeians seceed due to the unfair restrictions on the plebeian order written in the Twelve Tables. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tables
Image: https://historydaily.org/when-the-peasants-went-on-strike-ancient-romes-secessions-of-the-plebs -
367 BCE
Licinio-Sextian Law is passed
This law prevented any patrician magistrates from being elected. Source: https://chem.libretexts.org/Courses/Lumen_Learning/Book%3A_Western_Civilization_(Lumen)/Ch._05_Early_Roman_Civilization_and_the_Roman_Republic/06.8%3A_Roman_Society_Under_the_Republic#:~:text=The%20Licinio%2DSextian%20law%20was,political%20equality%20to%20the%20plebeians.
Image: https://factsanddetails.com/world/cat56/sub407/entry-6246.html -
367 BCE
First elected Consul of the Plebeians
Because of the Canuleian Law, plebs were able to elect consuls. Source: historyskills.com
Image: https://www.thoughtco.com/profile-of-roman-tribunes-118563 -
287 BCE
Hortensian Law is passed
This law was submitted for comitia approval by Q. Hortensius (plebeian dictator). This ended the Conflict of Orders. Source: Oxford Classical Dictionary
Image: https://www.alamy.com/quintus-hortensius-hortalus-114-50-bc-roman-politician-and-consul-as-well-as-a-famous-orator-and-lawyer-ancient-roman-empire-italy-europe-old-19th-century-engraved-illustration-el-mundo-ilustrado-1881-image410525326.html