Six-Day War
Israel launched air strikes against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan destroying most of their airplanes on the ground. Israeli ground troops then moved rapidly and defeated Arab forces. -
Yon Kippur War
The war Egypt and Syria launched to win their territory back. It was a surprise attack against Israel and the first Arab troops made gains in the war. -
Camp David Accords
The agreement Sadat and Begin came to in 1978. Egypt recognized Israel and Israel returned the Sinai Pennisula to Egypt. -
A Palestinian resentment of Israeli occupation boiled over into a rebellion. During the intifada Palestinian youths battled Israeli troops in widspreads street violence. -
Second Intifada
This time Palestinian youths were joined by Palestinian security forces with guns. Hamas sent suicide bombers to attack Civilians in Israel and the Israelis fought back by sending troops by tanks,fighter jets, and helicopter gunships into cities in the West Bank and Gaza.