Six Day War Began
The Six Day War began when Egypt demanded that the United Nations remove it's troops from Gaza and Sinai Peninsula; then when Egyptian troops then moved into Sinai and began to close off the Gulf to Aqaba, Israel's route to the Red Sea Israel decided to strike first, because they were expecting a large Arab attack. -
The Yom Kippur War Began
Israel won gained control of the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. The cause for the Yom Kippur War was Egypt and Syria were determined to win their territory back, resulting in a surprise attack against Israel, which ultimately started the war. -
The Camp David Accords
To help facilitate peace U.S. president Jimmy Carter invited Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to Camp David.
Then, in 1978 at Camp David, Sadat and Begin reached an agreement which became known as the Camp David Accords. This
treaty ended 30 years of hostility between Egypt and Israel -
The First Intifada
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) formed with a pledge to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state, in 1964.
In 1969 the PLO launched a campaign of guerrilla attacks against Israel. In an effort to stop the PLO attacks, Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978 and again in 1982. Then in 1987, Palestinian resentment of Israeli occupation boiled over into rebillion called the intifada. -
Second Intifada Began
Though, Israel and the PLO were supposed to sign a permanent agreement by 1998. Extremists on both sides worked to undermine the peace process. Militant group Hamas launches suicide bombings in Israel.