Conflict and Absolutism in Europe- Chapter 18/19

  • 1562

    Beginning of Religious French War

    Beginning of Religious French War
    In France there was a conflict between Roman Catholics and Protestants. This conflict was the main spark in beginning the wars. The king of France was catholic at the time and he wanted the whole country to be catholic. He tried to wipe out all protestants, but that only made matters worse.
  • Defeat of Spanish Armada

    Defeat of Spanish Armada
    The English, under the control of Sir Francis Drake, destroyed the Spanish Armada. KIng Philip the second thought that his ships would be successful. The English ships overpowered them with there mass and speed. Even though the Spanish were called unbeatable the English took a risk and it paid off.
  • The Edict of Nantes is Issued

    The Edict of Nantes is Issued
    Edict was issued by Henry the 4th. Ended the war of religion. It gave the Protestants and the Roman Catholics political rights in the court. Though the edict named Catholicism the official religion of France.
  • Thirty Year War Begins

    Thirty Year War Begins
    . The fall of the Peace of Augsburg was on reason for the thirty year war starting. Calvinism spread through most of Europe and Calvinists did not agree with the agreement. Most of the powerful European countries were in the war except for England.
  • Louis the Fourteenth Becomes Absolute Ruler of France

    Louis believed in the divine right of kings. He was only 23 years old when he became king. Most princes and high nobles believed that they should have some power in the government, but Louis denied that and continued to rule by himself. His reign is known as the best example of Absolutism in the seventh century.
  • The Glorious Revolution Begins

    This revolution began when England wanted James the second of the throne. His replacement was William of Orange with Mary, his wife. Though they were ready to fight James got out of the country before they came to take over. This resulted in little to no bloodshed at all.
  • Peter the Great takes over as Absolute Monarch

    Peter the Great was an Absolute Ruler of the Russian empire. He had many accomplishments in his life time. He hired people for his great military he made. Also he was most famous for introducing western customs and opening up a window into the west.
  • The First Witchcraft Trial is Held

    The first witchcraft trial was held in Salem Village, Massachusetts. People believed that there was a person causing the rapid decline of the population. Because of this many people blamed Female widows in there fifty's for witchcraft. Most of the women ended up dying from being tortured or burned to death if put on trial.