Conception to birth timeline

  • First month

    Size: The embryo is about the size of a pinhead, and their heart is the size of a poppy seed
    -The embryo's heart during this time is beating and can be heard with an ultrasound
    Head, mouth, liver, and intestines are beginning to take shape and the lower limb buds are noticeable
  • 2nd month-(5-8 weeks)

    Size: The embryo is about 1 1/2 inches in size
    The fingers during this time and distinguishable and webbed
    The veins can be clearly seen through the skin
    The placenta is fully developed and delivering nutrients and oxygen to the embryo
    Heart: The heart during this month also divides into the left and right chambers
    Most of the vital organs are developed during this time
  • 3rd month: (9-12 weeks)

    This month is when you enter the 3rd stage called the Fetal State the embryo from here and then on is referred to as a fetus
    Size: The fetus is now 3 inches long and fully formed
    The fetus also starts moving during this time
    - Swallowing (suckling)
    - Kicking
    Nails start developing during this time
  • 4th month: (13-16 weeks)

    Size: 5 inches long and about 4 oz
    The fetus's skin appears red during this time due to blood vessels and the face will take a more human shape
    The eyelids are shut during this stage and are fused together
    Hands and feet are formed and can open and close, and the fetus can open and close its hands and suck its thumb
  • 5th month: (17-20 weeks)

    Size: 6 - 7 inches long and 10 - 12 oz
    During this stage the mother will be able to feel the fetus's movement, this is called quickening
    The fetus will start to develop a dark fine body hair on their bodies called Lanugo. The fetus will also develop a waxy like coating that will cover their body this coating is called Vernix
    The fetus will also during this time start waking and sleeping regularly
  • 6th month: (21-24 weeks)

    Size: 9 inches long and 1 1/2 - 2 lbs
    The fetus's eyes can now open and can move around
    Eyelashes and eyebrows are now developed and are defined
    The fetus can also hear sounds from the outside world yet it's muffled, they can also hear the mothers heart and voice
    The fetus's fingerprints are also developed during this time
  • 7th month (25-28)

    Size: The fetus is now 10 - 12 inches long and 2 1/3 - 3 lbs
    The fetus can now cry weakly and suck its thumb along with developing reflex movement such as...
    - Startle
    - Grasp
    - Swimming
    The fetus is now able to respond to touch and sound
  • 8th month: (29-32 weeks)

    Size: 12 inches long
    The fetus's fingernails now reach beyond their fingertips
    The fetus sheds lanugo during this time
    The fetus moves into a head-down position
    This happens because unlike earlier in the pregnancy when the baby was smaller and had more room, they are now big enough that they have limited room and thus need to find a better position. This also is important because head-down position during the birthing process helps to protect the baby's arms and other limbs.
  • 9th month (33 weeks-delivery)

    Size: Reaches its full growth, around 14 - 15 inches from head to butt, 6 - 8 lbs
    When the fetus is born their eyes are blue, this pigment could change after they are exposed to light
    The fetus is covered in the vernix coating
    The fetus's organs also start to increase in activity, along with the fetus's heart rate increasing (120 to 160 bpm)
    The fetus will gain more weight in order to help hold and regulate their temperature during birth