Conception to 2 years Neurologically

  • Conception

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    Few weeks after Conception

    October 26th I am conceived. A couple of weeks later the embryo forms a neural plate. Which then forms into a neural tube. In which the rest of the brain grows and develops. At this time Synapses begin to form. In which nearly 40,000 synapses are made per second
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    Brain is formed

    Growth continues, the neural tube expands and grows into the brain at a rate of 250,000 neurons per minute for the next 21 weeks. At this time during the first trimester the brain makes up nearly half of the fetus's weight.
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    This process of migration of neurons to their "final" destination begins nine weeks after conception. The neurons move to their new location along specialized glial fibers. These fibers were formed earlier in fetal brain development. They act as the highways in which neurons travel and grow.
  • Brain and Neuron formation

    Brain and Neuron formation
    The process of creating these nerves is known as Neurogenesis. Fun fact, the brain cortex will overproduce neurons in preparations for the reduction of neurons in the future.
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    Second Trimester

    The fetal brain stem is almost entirely developed by the end of the second trimester. This is also around the time when the fetus begins to test its movements and sensory senses. Kicking, stretching, the fetus will react to noise and identify sound.
  • Differentiation

    Differentiation is the growth of neural connections or synapses. Neurons increase in size allowing them to form new connections with others cells. This starts at about 20 weeks old and continues after birth and for a persons whole lifespan.
  • Nerve development and sensory movements

    Nerve development and sensory movements
    Baby kicking to test its nerves. The brain also gets to create connections at this time. This creation of Nerve cells from Neurogenesis get tested at this time.
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    Third Trimester

    In the third Trimeter there is rapid development of neurons in the brain and explosive growth. The baby's brain will triple in size during this time. From a little over 3 ounces to 11 ounces. At this point the baby will move a lot more. Trying to create more connections between its neurons and get familiar with movement.
  • Birth

    After about 10 months the baby is ready to be born. The brain has done a lot of growing as a fetus and will continue to grow even after the baby is born. Important parts of the brain created at this time are the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
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    1 year old.

    It is at this time that the brain is the most dense. Babies at this time have about 100 billion neurons connected by 50 trillion synapses. The baby's brain will continue to grow and develop doubling in size by the first year. The cerebellum and prefrontal cortex continue making new neurons. Myelination proceeds from the back to the front of the brain and from the center to the sides. Myelination is the process of the formation of a myelin sheath around a nerve to allow for improved condition.
  • 1 year old

    1 year old
    There is continued brain development babies will begin to create more connections (differentiation). This is when they try to fully explore their nerve functions. Vision, sound and movement are all explored. At 1 month they are able to raise their head. At 6 they can sit without support and by 1 year on average they are able to walk on their own. This is also the time where the baby will try and discover their environment and build vocabulary. Further differentiating neurons.
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    2 years old

    The brain continues to develop at a rapid rate. By 2 years the brain is 80% the size of an adult one. More connections are being formed but this is also the time where cells are beginning to be pruned. Meaning only the most important connections are being maintained. This is known as Synaptic Pruning. The removal or elimination of these synaptic/neural connections. It is the brains way of maintaining more efficient brain function as we get older and learn new complex information.
  • Synaptic Pruning

    Synaptic Pruning
    Getting rid of the unused neurons opens up more space for the current neurons to create connections and grow. Increasing the strength of the neuron. So, instead having a lot of neurons with weak connections. There is less neurons but with stronger connections. The first synaptic pruning that happens at 2 years half's the synaptic density of the brain.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    12-18 Months. The Toddlers are constantly trying trial and error when completing tasks as well as experimentation. They will test a variety of actions, noises, and expressions to see how others will react back or how the world will react back. 18-24 months. By this age the child will start understanding symbols, words, objects and events. Notable events: recognizing themselves in a mirror, imitation of words, understanding of words, beginning to match similar objects, and you vs. me.