Computer Programming Timeline

By D_Stu
  • Plankalkul

    Produced by Konrad Zuse. First high level programming language supporting imperative, object-oriented and functional programming

    Formula translation to easily translate math formulas into a code
  • Math-Matic

    Produced by Charles Katz . Improvement over FORTRAN, developing the first language business data
  • Lisp

    Produced by John McCarthy, created to deal with source code as data structure
  • RPG

    "Report program generator", Invented by IBM. High speed database record and field level manipulation
  • Basic

    Invented by John George Kemeny, Thomas Eugene Kurtz. All purpose symbolic instruction code allowing non-science people access to computers
  • B

    "Basic", invented by Dennis M. Ritchie . Time sharing operating systems on Multics
  • ML

    Invented by Robin Milner and a team at the Univeristy of Edinburgh, Used to impure functional language supporting imperative programming

    Invented by Niklaus Wirth, used to reserve words like "if, then, else,while and for". Also used data structuring programming
  • SQL

    Invented by Donald D.Chamberlain, managing data in relational database management systems
  • C

    Invented by Dennis Ritchie, implenting system software and application software
  • ADA

    Invented by a team of CII Honeywell Bull led by Jean l Chiban. Used for mission-critical systems
  • C ++

    Invented by Bjarne Stroustrop of Bell labs. Multi-paradigm language supporting procedural, generic, object-oriented programming and data abstraction
  • Java

    Invented by James Gosling, programming used for home appliances controlled by computer processors
  • Phython

    Invented by Guido van Rosoum, high level programming language supporting imperative, object-oriented and functional programming
  • Visual Basic

    Invented by Alan Cooper, used in event driven programming language packaged with integrated development enviroment
  • PHP

    "Hypertext processor", Invented by Rasmus Lerdorf. Supports command line interface capability
  • Javascript

    Invented by Brendan Eich, programming language for web browser

    'Common Business- Oriented Language, supporting object-oriented programs
  • Delphi

    Invented by Danny Thorpe, used to integrate development for rapid application of desktop, mobile, web and console software