Computer Programming Languages

  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    The Difference Engine invented by Charles Babbage executed calculations

    Invented by the US Government followed many of the same principals as Babbages difference Engine, but could only work by switches and moving around system every time.
  • Shared Program Technique

    Shared Program Technique
    John Von Neumann wanted to simplify computer hardware system.
  • Short Code

    Short Code
    First Computer language for electronic devices, first system to change its statements to 0's and 1's

    Stands for formula translating, designed for Scientific Computing at IBM
  • LISt Processing (LISP)

    Artifitial Intellegence, designed for a specialized feild, also known as Cambridge Polish
  • Pascal

    Good teaching Tool, very succesful input/ output.
  • C

    Transition from first major language to todays major language
  • Perl

    Text Manipulation, created by Lary Wall
  • Java Project

    Java Project
    Java became the language of the future