Developed by Konrad Zuse, made for engineering, name means plan calculus. -
Developed by Charles Katz and Grace Hopper. Made for math purposes. Name is for marketing the AT-3 compiler. -
Developed by John Backus & IBM, made for scientific computing and computing numbers, name taken from IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System. -
Developed by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. Made for math notations for computers, named from list processing. -
Developed by Grace Hopper, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves and Jean E. Sammet. Used for business, finance and administrative computer systems for gov -
Developed by IBM, made to be applied to businesses, names stands for Report Program Generator. -
Developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz, made for easy use, stands for Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. -
Developed by Wally Feurzeig & Seymour Papert. Made for education, derived from logos, meaning word. -
Developed by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, used for libraries and embedded systems, name based on Bon, an earlier language that was used on an early time-sharing operating system. -
Developed by Robin Milner. Used for inferring expressions. ML means metalanguage. -
Developed by Niklaus Wirth, made for teaching structured programming, named after French mathematician Blaise Pascal. -
Developed by Dennis Ritchie & Bell Labs, used to allow for small level access to computer memory, effective language that follows machine directions and little core behavior of a computer language. Ca -
Developed by Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce, and ISO/IEC. Made for data management, stands for Structured Query Language. -
Developed by Jean Ichbiah & Tucker Taft, is primarily for object-orientated programming, ADA was named after Ada Lovelace. -
Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup and Bell Labs, for commonplace computer purposes, C++ is a pun referring to the increment operator used in computing. -
Visual Basic
Developed by Microsoft, made for easy programming, name comes from the mixing of the code name “Ruby” and the Basic language. -
Developed by Guido van Rossum & Python Software Foundation, made for better script reading, named after Monty Python’s Flying Circus. -
Devleloped by Borland (1995–2008),Embarcadero Technologies (2009–present). Made for web,and mobile applications. Name comes from the Oracle of Delphi. -
Developed by Rasmus Lerdorf & The PHP Group. Made for web development, stands for Personal Home Page. -
Developed by Brendan Eich, Netscape and Mozilla Foundation, used for web browsers to communicate and cooperate with its user, and to alter how objects interact on mark up language documents, spin off of Java’s name. -
Developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems, for being a commomplace computer language, named Java after Java coffee, which its creators drunk in copious quantities.