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computer history timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000


    name: Abacus
    year: 100bc to 500 bc
    info: Invented by Egyptian
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    Name: Blaise Pascal
    Place: France
    Job: mathematician
    Info: Made the first computer. (only caculating +, -)
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
    Name: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
    Place: Garmany
    Job: Mathematician
    Info: computer(calculating x, /, +, -)
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Name: Charles Babbage
    Year: 26 December 1791
    London, England
    Place: London, UK
    Job: Mathematician
    Info: Computer (Difference engine. caculate-6 decimal places
  • Augusta Ada Lovelace

    Augusta Ada Lovelace
    Name: Augusta Ada Lovelace
    Year: 10 December 1815
    London, England
    Place: London, UK
    Job: computer programmer
    Info: World’s first programmer.
  • difference calculator #1

    Name: difference calculator #1
    year: 1834
    info: It was designed to automatically calculate and tabulate mathematical functions called polynomials.
  • Herman Hollerith

    Herman Hollerith
    Name: Herman Hollerith
    Year: February 29, 1860
    Place: USA
    Job: American Statistician and inventor
    Info: He invented the punchcard machine to help analyse the 1880 U.S. census data.
  • Tommy Flowers

    Tommy Flowers
    Name: Tommy Flowers
    Year: December 22, 1905
    Place: England
    Job: engineer
    Info: Invented the machine that translaties the Garman code.
  • Alan L. Turing

    Alan L. Turing
    Name: Alan L. Turing
    Place: England
    Fields: Mathematics, cryptanalysis, computer science
    Info:He devised a number of techniques for breaking German ciphers
  • Steve Wozniak

    Steve Wozniak
    Name: Steve Wozniak
    Year:August 11, 1950 (age 63)
    Place: USA
    Job: Apple inventor
    Info: Steve Job’s friend
  • Steve Jobs

    Name: Steven Paul obs
    Born: february 24 1955
    Job: Apple compan CEO
    Place: San Fracisco, California
    Extra info: Invented Smart phone
  • Tim berners Lee

    Tim  berners Lee
    Name: Tim berners Lee
    Year:June 8, 1955
    Job: world wide web ceo
    Info: Inventor of the World Wide Web.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Name: Bill Gates
    Year:October 28, 1955
    Place: USA
    Job: nerd
    Info: microsoft CEO
  • transistors

    name: transistors
    year: late 1950's to early 1960's
    info: 2nd genration
  • intergrated circuit

    name:intergrated circuit
    year: late 1960's to early 1970's
    info: 3rd generation
  • microprocessors

    name: microprocessor
    year: late 1970's till today
    info: 4th generation
  • Android Beta

    Date: November 2007
    Extra info: First Android software
  • Android 1.0

    ANDROID 1.0
    Date: September 2008
    Extra info: First commercial Android Software
  • Pascaline

    name: Pascaline
    info: invented by Blaise Pascal
  • Leibniz Calculator

    name: Leibniz Calculator
    info: invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Vacuum tube

    name: vacuum tube
    info: 1st generation
  • the first smartphone

    name:IBM Simon
    info:it was touch screen