Computer History Project

  • Z1 Computer invented

    Z1 Computer invented
    Computer Order ListingsThis was the first freely programmable computer. This was created by Konrad Zuse. (date unknown)
  • ENIAC invented - first digital computer

    ENIAC invented - first digital computer
    WikipediaFirst digital computer invented by the U.S. Army for launching ballistic missles. it was as big as a small gymnasium and cost $500,000.
  • UNIVAC computer invented

    UNIVAC computer invented
    Computer's inventedThis was the first commercial computer. It was able to pick presidential winners.
  • ARPAnet

    Computer HistoryThis was the orginal internet. Used within the U.S. Departent of Defense.
  • Apple II was invented

    Apple II was invented
    Wikipedia Was invented by Wozinak.
  • WordStar Software

    WordStar Software
    Computer History in OrderThis was a word processor, Was invented by Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby.
  • WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

    WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
    WikipediaThis was the very first generation of wireless data modems. It was created by amateur communication groups.
  • Apple Macintosh Computer invented

    Apple Macintosh Computer invented
    Computer HistoryThis was the first home computer invented with a GUI, Graphical User Interface. This had 64 Kilobytes of RAM.
  • The first webcam

    The first webcam
    First WebcamThe first webcam was actually created to check coffee levels at Cambridge University. When the camera was on it displayed a 129 x 129 pixelized gray scale of a coffee pot.
  • The Bluetooth 1.0 specification is released.

    The Bluetooth 1.0 specification is released.
    These included mandatory Bluetooth hardward device in the connection. And this version many problems had occured.
  • First iPod created

    First iPod created
    WikipediaThis first ipod was created about 8 1/2 months after the first itunes was created. Its price, and mac - only compatibility made sales really slow until about 2004.
  • Invention of the MacBook

    Invention of the MacBook
    Wikipedia This original MacBook used the intel core duo processor. This was Apple's first MacBook to use features now standard in its MacBook
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    WikipediaSteve Jobs, the CEO at the time, had an idea of using a multi touch touch screen, the same as a computer tablet. then he came up with a second idea of making it a mobile phone, this effort was called the Project Purple 2.
  • Apple iOS

    Apple iOS
    WikipediaThey didn't have an official name for iOS until the iPhone. The first official iOS was called 1.1.5
  • Google Chrome first invented

    Google Chrome first invented
    WikipediaGoogle's Eric Schmidt originally opposed the idea of google chrome to be released for six years because they were a small company and he didn't want "bruising browser wars." After co - founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page hired Mozilla Firefox developers and showed how chrome would work, he quickly changed his mind.