The first Bomba was completed in 1938. These machines were built as a means to decrypt Nazi military communications during WWII. Many countries developed Bombes in order to decode messages. Bombes dramatically improved the intelligene and gathering of knowledge during the war. The Bomba vs. Enigma -
HP 200A Audio Oscillator
The Audio Oscillator 200A was HP 's first product they ever made. This specific instrument is used for generating a pure tone or frequency. HP oscillators were used to design, produce and maintain telephones, stereos, radios and other audio equipment. The oscillator was one of the first breakthrough inventions in the history of computers.
HP 200A Audio Oscillator -
Z3 computer
The Computer Mouse
The Altair 8800
The Apple Computer
Apple II
The Creation of Windows
The Wolrd Wide Web
Creation of Wifi