Community College History

By polli04
  • National

    Junior Colleges, later Community Colleges established with the Morrill Act of 1862
  • National

    Second Morrill Act prevents schools of denying access to minority students
  • National

    First community college founded with the incorporation of college-level courses in the high school level curriculum
  • National

    3 junior colleges in America
  • National

    14 public junior colleges and 32 private community colleges in America
  • National

    American Association of Junior Colleges (AAJC) founded
  • Local

    Phoenix College (PC) welcomes first students
  • Local

    Student Government established
  • Local

    First football team formed
  • Local

    Student newspaper established
  • Local

    PC relocated to first stand-alone campus
  • Period: to


    Law passes to legalize junior colleges in Arizona
  • Local

    PC earns North Central Association (NCA) accreditation
  • Local

    PC expands number of programs offered, Women's Athletic Association organized
  • National

    Vocational Education included in junior college curriculum (1930's)
  • Local

    Zerolene bear christened "Bumstead"
  • Local

    First evening classes offered, Radio Club goes on the air using W6EKU
  • Local

    PC enrollment exceeds 600 students
  • Local

    PC moves to current location at Thomas and 15th Ave.
  • National

    Veteran's of WWII offered financial assistance for higher education (1940's)
  • Period: to


    PC offered civilian pilot training, gym converted to barracks for enlistees to complete pilot training, training offered for Cadet Nurses
  • Local

    PC logo updated
  • Local

    PC named 1 of 15 outstanding junior colleges in the nation
  • Local

    PC was never segregated, first African American voted in as Student Body President
  • Local

    Fine Arts Center opens, PC has only flying course solely incorporated within any school in the country
  • Local

    PC establishes two-year nursing program, PC football team celebrates first undefeated season-won Potato Bowl
  • Local

    Maricopa's citizens vote to establish Maricopa Junior College District later named Maricopa County Community College District
  • Local

    Dr. Bulpitt becomes one of the first women in the country to hold college administrative position outside of traditional student services role
  • Local

    Phoenix Union High School transfers jurisdiction of PC to Maricopa Junior College District
  • Local

    Nick Nolte attends PC
  • Local

    PC welcomed first cohort of the new dental hygiene program
  • Local

    PC erects the largest telescope of any junior college in the nation
  • Local

    PC student, Mary Elizabeth Avilla, crowned Miss Arizona
  • Local

    PC chosen as 1 of 2 colleges to pilot a project for computer-aided instruction
  • Local

    PC expands number of technical programs offered
  • Local

    Formation of the PC Alumni Association (PCAA)
  • Local

    Dr. Myrna Harrison named first female president of PC
  • Local

    Alumni Half-Century Club established to stimulate interest of older alumni
  • Local

    Student Activities Management Council established
  • Local

    Achieving a College Education (ACE) program introduced
  • Local

    The PC Basics (eleven standards of service excellence) were developed
  • Local

    Fine Arts Building receives national recognition
  • Local

    PC grows to support 20,000 students annually, 25 instructional departments streamlined to 17, ASU and PC form partnership
  • Local

    PC sees new era of student services available
  • Local

    Ribbon cutting ceremony held for the new PC Center for Nursing Excellence
  • Local

    MyPC mobile app wins PC's Innovation of the Year