Red Scare
The red scare was a widespread of fear by a society or state about a potential rise of communism. This affected the people by putting a fear inside them, thus creating a doubt in the government. Also because of the Red Scare many other event occurred such as the Hollywood 10, the Rosenbergs and McCarthyism. -
Domino Theory
This was the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling domino causing all the others to fall among it too. Because of this theory the US joined the Vietnam war in fear communism would spread to it. -
Vietnam War
The US entered the Vietnam war because of the belief communism would spread to it. The US was losing thousands of men in a war the country did not support. Many pacts were made in order to try and win the war (ie.Gulf Of Tonkin which allowed unrestricted power to the president). This was later taken away with the War Pacts once the people realized the war was unwinnable. As a result the US worked to slowly take out our troops & replace them with Southern Vietnamese soldiers, aka vietnamization.