Communication platforms

By lcaus
  • Committee Formation

    Committee Formation
    Ask stakeholders to participate on committee to help identify which social media platforms (Parent Square, district website, facebook, twitter) to use to communicate with parents, students and staff regarding student social emotional learning (mental health and school counseling program tips)
  • Period: to

    SEL Communciation Platforms

    Identify the best communication platforms to connect all stakeholders to social emotional learning needs for students using resources in the school counseling and mental health program as helpful tips regarding health and wellness
  • Leadership Meeting

    Leadership Meeting
    Meet with administrators to discus their role in implementation and how it will impact students
  • Survey students and parents

    Survey students and parents
    Survey students (allow survey to be completed on chromebook during class time) and parents to identify their communication preferences
  • Data review

    Data review
    As a committee review necessary data as it relates to student discipline and counseling needs
  • Create plan

    Create plan
    Identify roles the committee members will play (ie: develop content for publishing on sites, upkeep of website, relevance of material posted)
  • Publish content

    Publish content
    Publish content on social media to connect students, staff and parents to critical information related to school counseling and mental health
  • Team meeting

    Team meeting
    Meet with team to revisit published content and trends
  • End of year social

    End of year social
    Gather to reflect, celebrate accomplishments and discuss next steps for next school year
  • Start of new school year

    Start of new school year
    Team meeting to review focus of social emotional learning needs for students and social media platforms to communicate regarding needs