Steam Engine
Invented By James Watt in 1698 and used steam to produce mechanical power. Today's equivalent would be the combustion engine. -
Flying Shuttle
Invented By John Kay in 1733 and was used to weave fabrics by hand. Today, there are fully automated versions of this in most textile mills. -
Spinning Jenny
Invented by James Hargreaves in 1764. It was a hand powered machine for spinning cotton or wool that could multiple spindles. -
Water Frame
Invented By Richard Arkwright and used water power to make cotton thread. Today, we have machines that run on electricity that work more efficiently. -
Spinning Mule
Invented by Samuel Crompton in 1779 and was used to spin cotton, along with other fibers. A more modern version of this is still used in today's textile mills. -
Steam Powered Locomotive
Bessemer Process
Developed by Henry Bessemer in 1856. It was used as a quick and easy way of making steel during the Industrial Revolution. It was later replaced by the Linz-Donowitz steel-making process. -
The Electric Light
The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1883 i order to provide cheap and efficient lighting for everyone. The electric light bulb is still used today, although it is a more advanced version.