Oct 10, 1451
On this day Christopher Columbus was born in Italy -
Sep 10, 1476
Growing Up
Chrsitopher Columbus worked as a sailor and his ship was once sunk by pirates -
Sep 12, 1476
Columbus Gets Married
He married a women named Felipa Perestrella e Moniz. They lived in Portugal together -
Sep 10, 1484
Looking For Sponsors
He wanted to find a new route to Asia heading west. He asked the head of England but denied him -
Sep 12, 1496
Brothers Unite
Christopher joins his brother Barthalomeu a cartographer, in Lisbon -
May 11, 1502
Day 1
Departes from Cadiz, Spain with four ships -
Sep 12, 1502
The last Journey
The king of Spain agreed to pay for one last voage but again Christopher had no luck in finding a way to Asia or any treasure -
Sep 12, 1502
The death Of Christopher Columbus
Christopher retured to Spain where he died -
Jan 9, 1503
Rio Belen
Established garrison in Rio Belen -
Nov 7, 1504
The return
Columbus returns to Spain