British East India Company
King James I of England sent a personal envoy, Sir Thomas Roe, to the court of the Mogul emperor Jahangir in 1614. Emperor wasn't interested in trading so this led to Roe to use a stricter approach. This succeeded and led to the establishment of the British East India Company operations in India. -
British Dominance
The British take over control by creating an army, as the Mogul Empire collapsed. They gained interests and powers in society establishing a foothold. The foothold allowed them to influence the Indian society in beauty standards which still have significance today. -
British terminology begins to emerge itself into society. Terms like "Raj", "bangle" and "khaki". The term Raj doesn't gain prestige till around 1858 where it's used for basically a figurehead with no power. Allowing Briitish merchants to make a fortune in India by exploiting the countries resources and wealth. -
Indian Rebellion
Tensions begin to explode as Indian soldiers begin to rebel as the British issue rifle cartilages greased with pig and cow fat, which is unacceptable to the Hindu and Muslim religions. Also contributing was the British annexing some land in India. -
Indian Mutiny
Sepoys, Indian soldiers, rose up and massacred all the British they could get their hands on in Delhi. Let to uprisings all throughout British India, all being bloody and brutal. British sent more troops to India to restore order by using more force and terror. -
Mahatma Gandhi begins to promote hand spinning as a way to self produce your own clothes without having to pay an outrageous amount of money on the overly taxed and prices textiles of the British. Led to many following Gandhi's leadership for a nonviolent approach of rebellion against the British's control in India. Chakkra begins to be a symbol for nonviolent civil disobedience in India. -
Salt March
Gandhi begins to protest against Britain's Salt Act which prohibits Indians from purchasing or manufacturing any salt not sold from the British. Led to Gandhi and a crew of followers to walk 24 days to the coastal town of Dandi. Gandhi breaks the law by making salt from the evaporated seawater. Leads to similar protests and civil disobedience throughout the country. -
Marks the end of British rule in India and the separation between India and Pakistan. British choose to end rule because they were exhausted from World War II and didn't have the resources to keep fighting violence in India.