Navigation Acts
Only English ships used for trade in British Empire. -
No colony west of Appalachiam MT -
Sugar Act
Tax on all sugar imported. -
Stamp Act Congress
Nine of the thirteen colonies sent delagates to the Stamp Act Congress. -
Boston Tea Party
Anger over taxation reached a powerful climax at the famous Boston Tea Party. -
1st Continetal Congress
Was held at Carpenters Hall in Philadolphia on September 5, 1774. -
Lexington and Concord Battles
These were the first battles of the American Revolution. -
2nd Continental Congress
The congress immediately assumed the powers of a central government -
Declaration of Independence
One of the world's most famous documents, the Declaration of Independence, was adopted. -
Resolution of Independence
After more than a year fightin, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced the Resolution of Independence to the SEcond Continental Congress. -
Stamp Act
Required use of stamps on all legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets. etc. -
Coercive Acts (intolerable Acts)
The acts closed the harber and placed the governmebt of Boston under direct British Control.