colonial influences

  • 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    it limited the power of the king England and protected the rights of nobility /right rule of law duh process limited government the English nobility wrote it
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    the purpose of the document was that it would provide order and protect the rights of the colonists but the big idea was self government and rule of law by the English pilgrims
  • English bill of rights

    English bill of rights
    expanded the power of the English parliament and expanded the rights of the people as well as further limited the rights of the king and the big ideas was to limited government , rights due process , and rule of law then person who wrote that was the English parliament in 1689
  • catos letter

    catos letter
    convince people to support the freedom of expression and to fight against the heavy handed rule of the British government the big idea was the rights and rule of laws by the English journalist
  • common sense

    common sense
    convince the american colonist to support becoming independent from England with self government and rights by colonial journalist in 1776