colonial influences

By JoseZ
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was written by the English nobility for the sole purpose to limit the power of the king and protect the rights of the people. The big ideas were rule of law, due process, rights, limited government.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower compact was written by pilgrims who were in need of some kind of government after arriving in a place that was not controlled by their leader. They all agreed to follow the rules and trusted each others. The big ideas were rule of law, rights and self government.
  • English bill of rights

    English bill of rights
    Just like the Magna Carta, the English bill of rights limits the power of the king and protects the rights of the people even further. It was written by parliament. The big ideas for the bill of rights are rule of law, rights and limited government.
  • Cato's letters

    Cato's letters
    "Cato's leters" where actually written by two English journalists, all they did was bring ideas onto how to govern the country. Examples they supported freedom of speech and were against heavy english rule. The big idea for the letters were to bring rights.
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    The papers where written by colonial journalist's that where trying to convince the american colonists to break free from great Britain. The big ideas for common sense were self government and rights.