Colonial and Early National Period

  • 1492

    Christopher Colombus Discovers America

    Christopher Colombus Discovers America
  • 1513

    Ponce de Leon Lands Near St. Augustine, Florida and Names the Land La Florida

    Ponce de Leon Lands Near St. Augustine, Florida and Names the Land La Florida
  • Pilgrims Come to America

    Pilgrims Come to America
  • Puritans Come to America

    Puritans Come to America
  • Harvard College is Founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts

    Harvard College is Founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • The Great Awakenings

    The Great Awakenings
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
  • Sugar Act Passed by British Parliament

    Sugar Act Passed by British Parliament
  • Stamp Act Passed by British Parliament

    Stamp Act Passed by British Parliament
  • Townshend Act Passed by British Parliament

    Townshend Act Passed by British Parliament
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
  • Constitution Signed

    Constitution Signed
  • Bill of Rights Passed by Congress

    Bill of Rights Passed by Congress
  • Tennessee Enters the Union as the 16th State

    Tennessee Enters the Union as the 16th State
  • First Edition of the New York Post is Published

  • Noah Webster Publishes His First American English Dictionary

  • John Smith Organizes the Mormon Church

    John Smith Organizes the Mormon Church