
  • Sep 15, 1400

    Marco polos adventures

    Marco polo traveled to china and other exciting asian lands. The adventures marco wrote about were followed by europeans to think about al of the ruchies that were in asia.
  • Nov 30, 1400

    Europeans branch out

    People in Europebegan to look to the seas and beyond.So wanted adventure others wanted to spread christinanity far and wide and long mostly though people wanted to find richies the age of exploration had already begun.
  • Feb 20, 1442

    The first expidition

    In 1942 columbus sailed his first expedition. He first landed in the bahamas island that they belived to be near asia.
  • Nov 4, 1448

    another voage

    columbus took another voage in 1498 he reached south america
  • Sep 16, 1449

    The new continent

    A mapmaker labeled the new continent "america" for another explorer amerigo Vespucci.The name stuck
  • Jan 15, 1450

    new routes

    Europeans noticed that they had a taste for spices in there diets most of the spices came from some islands in asia because they shipped half way around the world on risky voages because spices were costly. So they started looking for a way to bypass viences hold on trade
  • Feb 18, 1453

    Henry the navigator

    Henry the navigator urgedsea captians to explore southward along the coast of africa.He wanted tofind a route .he wasruler of portugal.
  • Nov 2, 1497

    the northwest passage

    in 1497 King henry the seventh sent cabot on a voage to the west the englidh thought that there might be water route through the americans that would lead north and west to asia. Cabot landed on the far northern atlantic coast of north america probably the island of newfoundland he failed to find the northwest passage . in that time the europeans gave up their search for this route.
  • Sep 1, 1499

    The columbian exchange

    A great interaction between the new world and old world took place Plants animals and even diseases were moved between the old and new world
  • Feb 24, 1500

    Spanish exploration

    Powerful spain clamied many of the new world lands spain was taking control of south and central america and many carrabean islands. Meanwhile spanish governers and explorers began to look northward
  • Dec 25, 1508

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    he was a spanish offical in the new world he explored
  • Mar 19, 1513

    Ponce de leon

    He set out with ships and crew His expedition landed on the east coast of florida a name that he got from the spanish world flowers the ships sailed down the east florida coast through the florida keys they then traveled northward along the west coast of florida for about 100 mile sthat expedition revealed that large trackes of land ripe for exploration lay to the north of the caribbean islands.
  • Sep 10, 1520

    Story continues

    Spain was the most powerful nation in the worls spanish explorers had claimed huge tracks of land in the new world they began sending gold and silver back to spain spanish officals layed there eyes on the north american coast eagerly already ponc de leon had already explored and claimed florida
  • Sep 16, 1520

    spanards come to north carolina

    One spanidh offical who had his eyes on the mainland of north of florida was Lucas Vazquez de Allyon he had seen some of the atlantic coastline of this region on an expidition in 1520
  • May 5, 1524

    Verranazanos expedition

    in 1524 king francis the first of france sent italian navigator Giovanni da verransanos westward.e first reached land at north carolinas outer banks across the narrow island he thought he saw the pacific ocean
  • Jul 16, 1526

    Rio JJordan colony

    Allyon had led a group of over 500 men women and children to a river called jordan historians belive today that it was actually in north carolina cape fears river
  • Aug 3, 1526

    What happened to them?

    The rio jordan colony failed due to disease an starvation Allyon then took the colonist to a site in present day south carolina however the colony fared no better there disease and starvation overwhelemed the settlers Allyon himself died there
  • Oct 16, 1526

    Disease and starvation

    in October of 1526 the 150 remaning colonists returned to hispaniolia
  • Sep 16, 1539

    De sotos expidition

    The spanish wanted to know more about the gold and silver in the interior of north america land In 1539 Hernando de soto sailed with a military expidiotion from havana cuba to the west coast of florida from there sotos soliders marched northward to a site near present day tallahasse florida there they spent the winter of 1539-1540
  • Aug 17, 1560


    officals in spain had seen the need to strenghten their hold on florida they had responded promplty and firmly to french threats now spainsh officlas soliders and priests set about tightenting spanish control and converting the indians to catholicism
  • Sep 17, 1560

    The spanish set sights southward

    the atlantic coastal region that is today part of the southeasternunited states had seen a flury of spanish activity in the late 1560s at least in part spains concern for this region was motivated by competition with the french spainsh rules however had far greater intrestes in the new world lands to the south conquistadores had taken firm control of mineral rich lands in present day mexicoand peru
  • Apr 17, 1562

    port royal

    Ribualts Huguenots attemteped to settle near present day port royal south carolina in his report to france he told why he had chosen port royal
  • Aug 16, 1562

    France and spain fight for land

    Soon other european nations were challenging spain in 1562 france sent a colony under the command of Jean Ribault to north america the colonsits were Huguenots or french protestents they were sometimes persecuted in catholic france as a result so protestents sought religiousfreedoms in the new world
  • Sep 17, 1564

    Port royal 2

    depite the reportedly favorible conditions at port royal the colonists gave up in 1564 and returned to france that same year another band of huguenots led by Rene de Laudonniere setteled at fort caroline on the north florida coast
  • Sep 17, 1565

    st augustine

    to the spain officals the french fort seemed a direct threst in1565 spain sent troops under Pedro Menendez to florida just south of fort caroline he built a fort at st augustine meanwhile rabuilt was preparing for war.
  • Sep 17, 1566

    more spanish expeditions

    with a secure hold on florida the spainards looked northward in 1566 an expidition set out for cheapsake bay from the west indies to set up a catholic mission
  • Nov 17, 1566

    afte victory

    soon after the victory at fort caroline spanish officals organized an expidition to explore again in the interior country north of florida in lat 1566 Juan Pardo and Hernando Boyano led a small gorup of men to the south carolina coast from there they pudhed north and west on nearly the smae rout that de souto had