
Colombian independence

  • multiclass demonstration

    multiclass demonstration
    There is a multiclass demonstration led by Manuela Beltrán and a handful of Creoles from "Socorro" to the capital.
  • Period: to

    Independence Day of Colombia

    The historical day on which freedom arose
  • Execution of José Antonio Galán

    Execution of José Antonio Galán
    Viceroy Manuel Antonio Flórez orders the capture and execution of José Antonio Galán as a warning for what they dare to rebel against the Spanish crown.
  • Anonio Nariño and human rights

    Anonio Nariño and human rights
    Antonio Nariño translates and publishes in Spanish the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
  • Grievance Memorial

    Grievance Memorial
    Camilo Torres Tenorio read the Grievance Memorial before the "notablato santafereño", which said that the territories of the New World are populated by Spanish Americans
  • The independence day

    The independence day
    A vase was the trigger that unleashed Colombia's cry for independence on July 20, 1810. After more than three centuries of conquest and colony of the Spanish empire.
  • Battle of "Bajo Palacé"

    Battle of "Bajo Palacé"
    This was the first battle where the royalists were defeated by the patriots, beginning the battles for emancipation and the "Magna" War.
  • "Manifiesto de cartagena"

    "Manifiesto de cartagena"
    He proposes a general strategy for the independence of nations, fighting together to recover Caracas.