college history 2

  • Grant

    Grant winss presidency over Seymour
  • Fisk and Gould

    Fisk and Gould
    Fisk and Gould pretty much hold back gold going out so that all the gold they have will go up in price because people are wanting it.
  • Tweed

    THe Tweed scandal begins in New york.
  • Another act

    Another act
    Resumption Act is passed
  • reconstruction

    Reconstruction ends
  • Garfield

    garfield wins presidency over Hancock
  • The end of Garfield

    The end of Garfield
    Garfield was assassinated and Auther takes over as president
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This is when the chinese were not allowed to come to America for a certain amount of time.
  • Pendleton act

    Pendleton act
    the pendleton act sets up the Civil Service Commission
  • Cleveland

    Blain was defeated by Cleveland for presidency
  • Harrison

    Harrison defeats Cleveland for presidency
  • Thomas B. "Czar" Reed

    Thomas B. "Czar" Reed
    Thomas ecomes speaker of the house of representatives
  • Cleveland round two

    Cleveland round two
    Cleveland beats both Harrison and Weaver to take a second time as president
  • J.P Morgans

    J.P Morgans
    Morgans banking syndicate loans 65 million in gold to federal government
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    It it legitimized and this made like equal rights to thing but with the sepertion between blacks and whites
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    this placed a condition on the united states military's presence in Cuba.
  • New state!

    New state!
    Hawaii is annexed
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Spain declared war on the U.S. because the U.S. supported Cuba's wish to be independent of Spanish rule. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1898. Cuba was freed, the U.S. obtained the Philippines for $20 million, and Puerto Rico and Guam were ceded to the U.S.
  • OPen door policy

    OPen door policy
    Fist note of the open door. The americans were scared to not be affiliated with china so they opened this so everyone had equal power to china.
  • Foraker Act

    Foraker Act
    The foraker act was formed for Puerto Rico. The Foraker act in the long run had any laws in the U.S carry over to puerto Rico.
  • Mckinley for president

    Mckinley for president
    Mckinley defeats Bryan for presidency
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    This was basically an attack on christian missionaries and they were stopped but this rebellion gave chinese nationalism and a drive to fight back.
  • Hay Bunau varilla treaty

    Hay Bunau varilla treaty
    This graanted exclusive canal rights to the united states across the isthmus of panama in exchange for financial reimbursement.
  • Roosevelt for president

    Roosevelt for president
    At this time he was vice president but when Mckinley was assassinated he assumed presidency
  • platt Amendment

    platt Amendment
    It stipulated seven conditions for the withdrawal of the U.S troops remaining in Cuba at the end of the Spanish American war
  • Columbia

    At the time colombia has control over panama and the senate rejected the canal treaty of 1902
  • cuba

    The untited states troops leave cuba
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Was an add on to the Monroe Doctrine saying that the US could intervene in any future financial issues
  • The canal

    The canal
    This was the year they started the construction of the Panama Canal
  • Root Takahira agreement

    Root Takahira agreement
    betweeen the U.S and the Empire of Japan. Settled a number of contentious points between them.