Colin Hirschman - Final Timeline Project

  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    Pioneers built trails throughout the 19th century that acted as an alternative source of transportation rather than ships and railroads. This was really put into effect after Thomas Jefferson negotiated a treaty with France declaring that the US pay France $15 million for the territory that was located in Louisiana.
  • Reconstruction Era

    Reconstruction Era
    The reconstruction era was a time that began in 1865 that occurred until 1877. This was a time when congress passed three constitutional amendments. Equal protection, abolishing slavery, and defined citizenship were the three amendments passed. This was an extremely significant time in history as it began the ratification of the Reconstruction Amendments.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    This was a period of economic growth in US history. The United States was quick to lead industrialization. The economy began to expand for the wealthy but the working class endured extreme poverty.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    The Jim Crow Laws enforced and legalized racial segregation in the United States beginning in the early 1870's. These laws were extremely detrimental as it placed African Americans as the second class.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    The great railroad strike was known to be the first national strike in US history. This strike occurred due to the Baltimore and Ohio wage cuts, which was the second cut in an 8 month span. This event really caused the industrial labor problem to be foreshadowed more, with over 100,000 people protesting.
  • The Haymarket Riot

    In 1886, unionists called in a mass meeting to discuss the police brutality that was occurring at the time. However, a bomb was thrown into the crowd killing over 60 people, including 7 police officers. This riot resulted in the destruction of the Knights of Labor union.
  • Homestead Steel Strike

    When the Carnegie Steel Company let go and discharged workers that were apart of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel, it led to a gruesome confrontation. This confrontation was between the workers and the security guards for Pinkerton.
  • Yellow Journalism In Past Media

    Yellow Journalism In Past Media
    This style of newspaper was populary around during the Spanish American war. This is when newspaper journalists and editors were over emphasizing opinions and lies over actual facts thus causing the public to go into a frenzy.
  • The Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era
    This time consisted of social activism and an increase political reform. This was enforced to defeat corruption and waste amongst the United States. Not to mention, this was also a time of business expansion and growth in labor unions.
  • The Spanish American War

    When the aftermath of the explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor concluded, a war erupted due to Americas support of Cubans and Filipinos. The United States was officially considered a Pacific power when this war concluded.
  • World War I

    World War I
    This was a global conflict that erupted in 1914 and did not conclude until 1918. This war was fought mainly in Europe. It led to many different advancements and progressions in the United States and throughout the world.
  • Influenza Outbreak in 1918

    Influenza Outbreak in 1918
    This was a global pandemic that occurred when a deadly sickness known as, Influenza was spreading across different regions. The world was unfamiliar with the severity of the sickness prior to this illness outbreaking. This global outbreak was known for killing many people.
  • The 1920's Decade

    The 1920's brought in a lot of fear while new advancements were being enforced that the public was still getting used to. Transportation and technology were evolving. On the other hand, there was an outbreak of Influenza affecting many.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    This was known to be an economic disaster harming the nations society and the public's ability to obtain a steady wage income. Many people failed to keep their jobs due to the unrealistic pay that was being enforced. It was a time of battles and hardships as people and families could not afford to take care of themselves due to what was occurring economically.
  • The Scottsboro Case

    The Scottsboro Case
    The Scottsboro case occurred in March of 1931 when nine African American teenagers were accused of raping two white woman. During the trial, 8 of the boys were found guilty by an all white jury. This event in history is significant because it shows how the court system treated African Americans in the past.
  • World War II

    World War II
    This was the second global conflict that resulted in war in 1939. This war involved combats from majority of the worlds nations.
  • Malcolm X's Police Brutality Speech

    Malcolm X's Police Brutality Speech
    In 1962, Malcolm X offered a stern speech on his thoughts of police brutality. Police brutally against African Americans was occurring causing Malcolm X to offer his stand within his speech. He offers a new sense of hope for African Americans explaining that society is implementing a toxic standard.
  • Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream Speech

    Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream Speech
    Martin Luther King was an American civil rights activist that publicly spoke on his thoughts against discrimination and strived for racial equality. His speech, 'I Have a Dream', served as an influence for the Federal Government to take further and effective action to enforce equality for African Americans. His speech is one of the most well known speeches in American history.
  • Fannie Lou Hamer's Activism

    Fannie Lou Hamer's Activism
    When this women's rights activist told her story in front of a judge explaining her views of the overall government and her own personal experience opened a door of discovery for other activists as well. She represented the Freedom Democratic Party at the 1964 Democratic National Convention.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act was enforced in 1964 to prohibit discrimination against people of different, race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. This was typically enforced in places of work when employing or promoting. More fair opportunities were created when this was finally enforced.