Potential Budgets for Cohort One 1:1 created
Budgets will be completed for likely scenarios based on budget constraints as well as current data regarding SFPS device usage. -
Advisory Committee Meeting
Discuss process, encourage teachers to actively provide feeback. -
Teacher / Admin Survey created (begin)
In order to give as much time for device use, this toll will not be sent until March 25. This gives two weeks of collaboration prior to send date. -
Teacher / Admin Survey Sent
Survey is being sent as late as possible to allow teachers and students to use the devices and have the ability to provide real feedback. -
Teacher / Admin Survey DUE
Data analayzed for presentation by 4-5-2015. -
Advisory Committee Meeting
Advisory Committee will see the current data and will be presented at least two integration models to select from. An overall recommendation will be presented by the Digital Learning Coordinator. Time for discussion, feedback will be requested. -
Advisory Committee to make a formal recommendation
Integration Committee to finalize 1:1 recommendation
Steering Committee to hear Integration Committee Recomendation
Final recommendation to be made -
Device Orders Placed
Devices will all be ordered by 4-30-15, to begin ASAP after PO's are created. -
Delivery to IT / Warehouse Devices
Delivery to IT to begin warehousing in preparation for device prep / imaging. This will take place 5-30 through 6-30-2015 -
Device Prep / Image
Device Prep / Image wil take place beginning 6-1-15 and will run the month of June. Time acounted is 30 devices per day, per person, depending on device. One full month is ample time for any device selected. -
Device Delivery
Device Delivery will take place from 8-1-2015 through 8-15-2015 -
SFPS Classes Start
Devices will need to be in classes nd ready to use. Systems in place, teachers trained, student and parent communication complete.