Coffee shop

  • Announce new mobile app

    Announce new mobile app
    I would utilize the app to keep track of “points” that can be redeemed for coffee or food. This creates loyalty and a desire to come back. This will help the business because when people come here constantly and get good food and coffee they will tell others about us
  • Announce Slam Dunk contest

    Announce Slam Dunk contest
    I would have a contest, The contest would be whoever can dunk a basketball eats free(10ft hoop) This would draw people into the restaurant and also help them have fun and just overall improve the experience
  • Announce meal plan.

    Announce meal plan.
    Buy a meal get a free coffee, redeemed with app.
  • Announce Coffee air freshener Promo

    Announce Coffee air freshener Promo
    Give out coffee-scented car air fresheners because alot of people like the smell of coffee.

    Give free espresso shots in-store